In chronological order, as found in the “TimeSpan” program
“Timespan” is a program that discovers patterns in Biblical chronologies
An asterisk (*) denotes six minor dates deduced utilizing ancient traditions and comparative chronologies.
- *4121-4114 BC: Creation as “7 years” (1day = 1year). Adam created early in sixth year, 4116 BC
- 4114 BC: Adam created (MT Creation date with regular days)
- 3984 BC: Seth born
- 3879 BC: Enosh born
- 3789 BC: Kenan born
- 3719 BC: Mahalaleel born
- 3654 BC: Jarod born
- 3492 BC: Enoch born
- 3427 BC: Methuselah born
- *3422 BC: Enoch ascends to heaven for 294 years, as per Bk. Jubilees 4:21
- 3240 BC: Lamech born
- *3186 BC: Adam dies as from 4116 BC (i.e., day=year)
- 3184 BC: Adam dies (regular dating)
- *3128 BC: Enoch, at age 364, returns from heaven for one year, as per Bk. Enoch 81:6
- 3127 BC: Enoch (ascends)
- 3072 BC: Seth dies
- 3058 BC: Noah born
- 2974 BC: Enosh dies
- 2879 BC: Kenan dies
- 2824 BC: Mahalaleel dies
- 2692 BC: Jarod dies
- 2578 BC: “120 years” to the Flood
- *2560 BC: Japheth born (or 2558)
- 2558 BC: Ham born (or 2554)
- 2556 BC: Shem born
- 2463 BC: Lamech dies
- 2458 BC: Methuselah dies
- 2458 BC: Flood Year starts
- 2457 BC: Flood Year ends
- 2456 BC: Arphaxad born
- 2421 BC: Shelah born
- 2391 BC: Eber born
- 2357 BC: Peleg born
- 2327 BC: Reu born
- 2295 BC: Serug born
- 2265 BC: Nahor born
- 2236 BC: Terah born
- 2166 BC: Abraham born
- 2156 BC: Sarah born
- 2118 BC: Peleg dies
- 2117 BC: Nahor dies
- 2108 BC: Noah dies
- 2091 BC: Call of Abraham
- 2088 BC: Reu dies
- 2081 BC: Covenant of Pieces with Abraham (margin of 1 year)
- 2080 BC: Ishmael born
- 2067 BC: Covenant of Circumcision and Destruction of Sodom
- 2066 BC: Isaac born
- 2065 BC: Serug dies
- 2063 BC: Isaac weaned, Ishmael sent away (margin of 1 year)
- *2051-2043 BC: Sacrifice of Isaac. Age, 15-23 — conjecture based upon cycles of 23
- 2031 BC: Terah dies
- 2029 BC: Sarah dies
- 2026 BC: Isaac marries Rebecca
- 2018 BC: Arphaxad dies
- 2006 BC: Jacob (& Esau) born
- 1991 BC: Abraham dies
- 1988 BC: Shelah dies
- 1966 BC: Esau marries two Canaanite women
- 1956 BC: Shem dies
- 1943 BC: Ishmael dies
- 1929 BC: Jacob flees from Esau (Jacob’s Ladder)
- 1929-1922 BC: Jacob works seven years for Rachel but gets Leah
- 1927 BC: Eber dies
- 1922-1915 BC: Jacob works seven more years for Rachel (11 sons born)
- 1921 BC: Reuben born
- 1920 BC: Simeon born
- 1919 BC: Levi born
- 1918 BC: Judah born
- 1918 BC: Dan born (margin of 1 year)
- 1917 BC: Naphtali born (margin of 1 year)
- 1917 BC: Gad born (margin of 1 year)
- 1917 BC: Asher born (margin of 1 year)
- 1916 BC: Issachar born (margin of 1 year)
- 1916 BC: Zebulun born (margin of 1 year)
- 1915 BC: Joseph born
- 1909 BC: Jacob returns to Canaan from Haran (Renamed ‘Israel’)
- *1906 BC: Benjamin born (but figuratively 1909 BC)
- 1898 BC: Joseph sold into slavery
- 1886 BC: Isaac dies
- 1885 BC: Joseph made “Lord of Egypt”
- 1885-1878 BC: Joseph’s seven years of plenty
- 1878-1871 BC: Joseph’s seven-year famine
- 1877 BC: Ten sons of Jacob’s 1st trip to Egypt for food (Simeon imprisoned)
- 1876 BC: Enter Egypt “430 years”
- 1805 BC: Joseph dies
- *1789 BC: Judah dies (lived 129 years, traditional)
- 1782 BC: Levi dies
- 1529 BC: Aaron born (or autumn 1530)
- 1526 BC: Moses born (or autumn 1527)
- 1486 BC: Moses flees to Midian
- 1446 BC: Exodus from Egypt and Mt. Sinai Covenant
- 1446-1406 BC: Wilderness Wandering
- 1445 BC: Tabernacle erected. 12 spies return with evil report
- 1407 BC: Miriam and Aaron die
- 1407 BC: Israel occupies westside of Jordan ahead of Conquest, autumn
- 1406 BC: Moses dies
- 1406 BC: Israel enters Promised Land. Conquest of Canaan begins
- 1406-1400 BC: Conquest of Canaan lasts six years
- 1400 BC: Land allotted to the tribes of Israel
- 1399 BC: “Land rests from war” in seventh year
In thematic order, as found in the “TimeSpan” program
- *4121-4114 BC: Creation as “7 years” (1day = 1year). Adam created early in sixth year, 4116 BC
- 4114 BC: Adam created (MT Creation date with regular days)
- *3186 BC: Adam dies as from 4116 BC (i.e., day=year)
- 3184 BC: Adam dies (regular dating)
- 3984 BC: Seth born
- 3072 BC: Seth dies
- 3879 BC: Enosh born
- 2974 BC: Enosh dies
- 3789 BC: Kenan born
- 2879 BC: Kenan dies
- 3719 BC: Mahalaleel born
- 2824 BC: Mahalaleel dies
- 3654 BC: Jarod born
- 2692 BC: Jarod dies
- 3492 BC: Enoch born
- 3422 BC: Enoch ascends to heaven for 294 years, as per Bk. Jubilees 4:21
- 3128 BC: Enoch, at age 364, returns from heaven for one year, as per Bk. Enoch 81:6
- 3127 BC: Enoch (Ascends)
- 3427 BC: Methuselah born
- 2458 BC: Methuselah dies
- 3240 BC: Lamech born
- 2463 BC: Lamech dies
- 3058 BC: Noah born
- 2108 BC: Noah dies
- *2560 BC: Japheth born (or 2558)
- 2558 BC: Ham born (or 2554)
- 2556 BC: Shem born
- 2554 BC: Ham born
- 2088 BC: Reu dies
- 1956 BC: Shem dies
- 2578 BC: “120 years” to the Flood
- 2458 BC: Flood Year starts
- 2457 BC: Flood Year ends
- 2456 BC: Arphaxad born
- 2018 BC: Arphaxad dies
- 2421 BC: Shelah born
- 1988 BC: Shelah dies
- 2391 BC: Eber born
- 1927 BC: Eber dies
- 2357 BC: Peleg born
- 2118 BC: Peleg dies
- 2327 BC: Reu born
- 2088 BC: Reu dies
- 2295 BC: Serug born
- 2065 BC: Serug dies
- 2265 BC: Nahor born
- 2117 BC: Nahor dies
- 2236 BC: Terah born
- 2031 BC: Terah dies
- 2166 BC: Abraham born
- 1991 BC: Abraham dies
- 2156 BC: Sarah born
- 2029 BC: Sarah dies
- 2091 BC: Call of Abraham
- 2081 BC: Covenant of Pieces with Abraham (margin of 1 year)
- 2080 BC: Ishmael born
- 1943 BC: Ishmael dies
- 2067 BC: Covenant of Circumcision and Destruction of Sodom
- 2066 BC: Isaac born
- 2063 BC: Isaac weaned, Ishmael sent away (margin of 1 year)
- 2051-2043 BC: Sacrifice of Isaac. Age, 15-23 — conjecture based upon cycles of 23
- 1886 BC: Isaac dies
- 1966 BC: Esau marries two Canaanite women
- 2026 BC: Isaac marries Rebecca
- 2006 BC: Jacob (& Esau) born
- 1929 BC: Jacob flees from Esau (Jacob’s Ladder)
- 1929-1922 BC: Jacob works seven years for Rachel but gets Leah
- 1922-1915 BC: Jacob works seven more years for Rachel (11 sons born)
- 1859 BC: Jacob dies
- 1921 BC: Reuben born
- 1920 BC: Simeon born
- 1919 BC: Levi born
- 1918 BC: Judah born
- 1918 BC: Dan born (margin of 1 year)
- 1917 BC: Naphtali born (margin of 1 year)
- 1917 BC: Gad born (margin of 1 year)
- 1917 BC: Asher born (margin of 1 year)
- 1916 BC: Issachar born (margin of 1 year)
- 1916 BC: Zebulun born (margin of 1 year)
- 1915 BC: Joseph born
- 1906 BC: Benjamin born, (but figuratively 1909 BC)
- 1898 BC: Joseph sold into slavery
- 1885 BC: Joseph made “Lord of Egypt”
- 1789 BC: Judah dies (lived 129 years, traditional)
- 1782 BC: Levi dies
- 1805 BC: Joseph dies
- 1909 BC: Jacob returns to Canaan from Haran (Renamed ‘Israel’)
- 1885-1878 BC: Joseph’s seven years of plenty
- 1878-1871 BC: Joseph’s seven-year famine
- 1877 BC: Ten sons of Jacob’s 1st trip to Egypt for food (Simeon imprisoned)
- 1876 BC: Enter Egypt “430 years”
- 1529 BC: Aaron born (or autumn 1530)
- 1526 BC: Moses born (or autumn 1527)
- 1486 BC: Moses flees to Midian
- 1446 BC: Exodus from Egypt and Mt. Sinai Covenant
- 1445 BC: Tabernacle erected. 12 spies return with evil report
- 1446-1406 BC: Wilderness Wandering
- 1407 BC: Miriam and Aaron die
- 1407 BC: Israel occupies westside of Jordan ahead of Conquest, autumn
- 1406 BC: Moses dies
- 1406 BC: Israel enters Promised Land. Conquest of Canaan begins
- 1406-1400 BC: Conquest of Canaan lasts six years
- 1400 BC: Land allotted to the tribes of Israel
- 1399 BC: “Land rests from war” in seventh year
The same as above, but chronologically arranged in the array used by the program itself
[‘year’ => -4120, ‘description’ => ‘*Creation as “7 years” (1day = 1year). Adam created early in sixth year, 4116 BC,’, ‘range’ => [‘start’ => ‘4121 BC’, ‘end’ => ‘4114 BC’], ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -4113, ‘description’ => ‘*Adam created (MT Creation date with regular days)’, ‘date’ => ‘4114 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -3983, ‘description’ => ‘Seth born’, ‘date’ => ‘3984 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -3878, ‘description’ => ‘Enosh born’, ‘date’ => ‘3879 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -3788, ‘description’ => ‘Kenan born’, ‘date’ => ‘3789 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -3718, ‘description’ => ‘Mahalaleel born’, ‘date’ => ‘3719 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -3653, ‘description’ => ‘Jarod born’, ‘date’ => ‘3654 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -3491, ‘description’ => ‘Enoch born’, ‘date’ => ‘3492 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -3426, ‘description’ => ‘Methuselah born’, ‘date’ => ‘3427 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -3421, ‘description’ => ‘*Enoch ascends to heaven for 294 years, as per Bk. Jubilees 4:21’, ‘date’ => ‘3422 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -3239, ‘description’ => ‘Lamech born’, ‘date’ => ‘3240 BC’, ‘margin’ =>
[‘year’ => -3185, ‘description’ => ‘*Adam dies as from 4116 BC (i.e., day=year)’, ‘date’ => ‘3186 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -3183, ‘description’ => ‘Adam dies (regular date)’, ‘date’ => ‘3184 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -3127, ‘description’ => ‘*Enoch, at age 364, returns from heaven for one year, as per Bk. Enoch 81:6’, ‘date’ => ‘3128 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -3126, ‘description’ => ‘Enoch (Ascends)’, ‘date’ => ‘3127 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -3071, ‘description’ => ‘Seth dies’, ‘date’ => ‘3072 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -3057, ‘description’ => ‘Noah born’, ‘date’ => ‘3058 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -2973, ‘description’ => ‘Enosh dies’, ‘date’ => ‘2974 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -2878, ‘description’ => ‘Kenan dies’, ‘date’ => ‘2879 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -2823, ‘description’ => ‘Mahalaleel dies’, ‘date’ => ‘2824 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -2691, ‘description’ => ‘Jarod dies’, ‘date’ => ‘2692 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -2577, ‘description’ => ‘”120 years” to the Flood’, ‘date’ => ‘2578 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -2559, ‘description’ => ‘*Japheth born (or 2558)’, ‘date’ => ‘2560 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -2557, ‘description’ => ‘Ham born, (perhaps 2554)’, ‘date’ => ‘2558 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],[‘year’ => -2555, ‘description’ => ‘Shem born’, ‘date’ => ‘2556 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -2462, ‘description’ => ‘Lamech dies’, ‘date’ => ‘2463 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -2457, ‘description’ => ‘Methuselah dies’, ‘date’ => ‘2458 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -2457, ‘description’ => ‘Flood Year starts’, ‘date’ => ‘2458 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -2456, ‘description’ => ‘Flood Year ends’, ‘date’ => ‘2457 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -2455, ‘description’ => ‘Arphaxad born’, ‘date’ => ‘2456 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -2420, ‘description’ => ‘Shelah born’, ‘date’ => ‘2421 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -2390, ‘description’ => ‘Eber born’, ‘date’ => ‘2391 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -2356, ‘description’ => ‘Peleg born’, ‘date’ => ‘2357 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -2326, ‘description’ => ‘Reu born’, ‘date’ => ‘2327 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -2294, ‘description’ => ‘Serug born’, ‘date’ => ‘2295 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -2264, ‘description’ => ‘Nahor born’, ‘date’ => ‘2265 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -2235, ‘description’ => ‘Terah born’, ‘date’ => ‘2236 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -2165, ‘description’ => ‘Abraham born’, ‘date’ => ‘2166 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -2155, ‘description’ => ‘Sarah born’, ‘date’ => ‘2156 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -2117, ‘description’ => ‘Peleg dies’, ‘date’ => ‘2118 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -2116, ‘description’ => ‘Nahor dies’, ‘date’ => ‘2117 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -2107, ‘description’ => ‘Noah dies’, ‘date’ => ‘2108 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -2087, ‘description’ => ‘Reu dies’, ‘date’ => ‘2088 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -2064, ‘description’ => ‘Serug dies’, ‘date’ => ‘2065 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -2030, ‘description’ => ‘Terah dies’, ‘date’ => ‘2031 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -2028, ‘description’ => ‘Sarah dies’, ‘date’ => ‘2029 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -2017, ‘description’ => ‘Arphaxad dies’, ‘date’ => ‘2018 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0 ],
[‘year’ => -1990, ‘description’ => ‘Abraham dies’, ‘date’ => ‘1991 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -2090, ‘description’ => ‘Call of Abraham’, ‘date’ => ‘2091 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -2080, ‘description’ => ‘Covenant of Pieces with Abraham (margin of 1 year)’, ‘date’ => ‘2081 BC’, ‘margin’ => 1],
[‘year’ => -2079, ‘description’ => ‘Ishmael born’, ‘date’ => ‘2080 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -1987, ‘description’ => ‘Shelah dies’, ‘date’ => ‘1988 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -2066, ‘description’ => ‘Covenant of Circumcision and Destruction of Sodom’, ‘date’ => ‘2067 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -2065, ‘description’ => ‘Isaac born’, ‘date’ => ‘2066 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -2062, ‘description’ => ‘Isaac weaned. Ishmael sent away’, ‘date’ => ‘2063 BC’, ‘margin’ => 1],
[‘year’ => -2050, ‘description’ => ‘*Sacrifice of Isaac. Age, 15-23 — conjecture based upon cycles of 23’, ‘range’ => [‘start’ => ‘2051 BC’, ‘end’ => ‘2043 BC’], ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -2025, ‘description’ => ‘Isaac marries Rebecca’, ‘date’ => ‘2026 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -2005, ‘description’ => ‘Jacob (& Esau) born’, ‘date’ => ‘2006 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -1965, ‘description’ => ‘Esau marries two Canaanite women’, ‘date’ => ‘1966 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -1955, ‘description’ => ‘Shem dies’, ‘date’ => ‘1956 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -1942, ‘description’ => ‘Ishmael dies’, ‘date’ => ‘1943 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -1928, ‘description’ => ‘Jacob flees from Esau (Jacob’s Ladder)’, ‘date’ => ‘1929 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -1928, ‘description’ => ‘Jacob works 7 years for Rachel, but gets Leah’, ‘range’ => [‘start’ => ‘1929 BC’, ‘end’ => ‘1922 BC’], ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -1926, ‘description’ => ‘Eber dies’, ‘date’ => ‘1927 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -1921, ‘description’ => ‘Jacob works 7 more years for Rachel (11 sons born)’, ‘range’ => [‘start’ => ‘1922 BC’, ‘end’ => ‘1915 BC’], ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -1920, ‘description’ => ‘Reuben born’, ‘date’ => ‘1921 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -1919, ‘description’ => ‘Simeon born’, ‘date’ => ‘1920 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -1918, ‘description’ => ‘Levi born’, ‘date’ => ‘1919 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -1917, ‘description’ => ‘Judah born’, ‘date’ => ‘1918 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -1917, ‘description’ => ‘Dan born’, ‘date’ => ‘1918 BC’, ‘margin’ => 1],
[‘year’ => -1916, ‘description’ => ‘Naphtali born’, ‘date’ => ‘1917 BC’, ‘margin’ => 1],
[‘year’ => -1916, ‘description’ => ‘Gad born’, ‘date’ => ‘1917 BC’, ‘margin’ => 1],
[‘year’ => -1916, ‘description’ => ‘Asher born’, ‘date’ => ‘1917 BC’, ‘margin’ => 1],
[‘year’ => -1915, ‘description’ => ‘Issachar born’, ‘date’ => ‘1916 BC’, ‘margin’ => 1],
[‘year’ => -1915, ‘description’ => ‘Zebulun born’, ‘date’ => ‘1916 BC’, ‘margin’ => 1],
[‘year’ => -1914, ‘description’ => ‘Joseph born’, ‘date’ => ‘1915 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -1908, ‘description’ => ‘Jacob returns to Canaan from Haran, (renamed Israel)’, ‘date’ => ‘1909 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -1905, ‘description’ => ‘*Benjamin born 1906 BC, (but figuratively 1909 BC)’, ‘date’ => ‘1906 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -1897, ‘description’ => ‘Joseph sold into slavery’, ‘date’ => ‘1898 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -1885, ‘description’ => ‘Isaac dies’, ‘date’ => ‘1886 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -1884, ‘description’ => ‘Joseph made “Lord of Egypt”‘, ‘date’ => ‘1885 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -1884, ‘description’ => ‘Joseph’s seven years of plenty’, ‘range’ => [‘start’ => ‘1885 BC’, ‘end’ => ‘1878 BC’], ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -1877, ‘description’ => ‘Joseph’s seven-year famine’, ‘range’ => [‘start’ => ‘1878 BC’, ‘end’ => ‘1871 BC’], ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -1876, ‘description’ => ‘Ten sons of Jacob’s 1st trip to Egypt for food (Simeon imprisoned)’, ‘date’ => ‘1877 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -1875, ‘description’ => ‘Enter Egypt “430 years”‘, ‘date’ => ‘1876 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -1858, ‘description’ => ‘Jacob dies’, ‘date’ ‘ => ‘1859 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -1804, ‘description’ => ‘Joseph dies’, ‘date’ => ‘1805 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -1788, ‘description’ => ‘Judah Dies. (Lived 129 years, traditional)’, ‘date’ => ‘1789 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -1781, ‘description’ => ‘Levi dies’, ‘date’ => ‘1782 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -1528, ‘description’ => ‘Aaron born (autumn 1530)’, ‘date’ => ‘1529 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -1525, ‘description’ => ‘Moses born (autumn 1527),’ ‘date’ => ‘1526 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -1485, ‘description’ => ‘ Moses flees to Midian’, ‘date’ => ‘1486 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -1445, ‘description’ => ‘Exodus from Egypt and Mt. Sinai Covenant’, ‘date’ => ‘1446 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -1444, ‘description’ => ‘Tabernacle erected. 12 spies return with evil report’, ‘date’ => ‘1445 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -1445, ‘description’ => ‘Wilderness Wandering’, ‘range’ => [‘start’ => ‘1446 BC’, ‘end’ => ‘1406 BC’], ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -1406, ‘description’ => ‘Miriam and Aaron die’, ‘date’ => ‘1407 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -1406, ‘description’ => ‘Israel occupies westside of Jordan ahead of Conquest, autumn’, ‘date’ => ‘1407 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -1405, ‘description’ => ‘Moses dies’, ‘date’ => ‘1406 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -1405, ‘description’ => ‘Israel enters Promised Land. Conquest of Canaan begins’, ‘date’ => ‘1406 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -1405, ‘description’ => ‘Conquest of Canaan lasts six years’, ‘range’ => [‘start’ => ‘1406 BC’, ‘end’ => ‘1400 BC’], ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -1399, ‘description’ => ‘Land allotted to the tribes of Israel’, ‘date’ => ‘1400 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],
[‘year’ => -1398, ‘description’ => ‘”Land rests from war” in seventh year’, ‘date’ => ‘1399 BC’, ‘margin’ => 0],