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1a. Palindrome Prophecy About AI
1b. Palindrome Prophecy about AI
2. Palindrome Prophecy for AI
Dates and Numbers of Prophetic Importance of Palindrome
AI’s “Magnificent Seven”
Cumulative Lifespan Chron
Comparison Reg. MT with Cumulative & Key of 23
“153 Large Fish” Numeric Examined
Synergy of MT, LXX, SP Timelines at Flood
SP Flood Chronology Analysed
777 x 7: Lamech-Flood –to Promised Land
Enosh in Chronology: The 2nd “Man”
Tower of Babel: Chronological Unity From Chaos
Pt 2, Peleg Divides Era from Flood-to-Ab.
Pt. 1, Matthew & Luke’s Genealogies
Pt. 2, Matt. Luke Gen.
Minimum Cumulative Chronology
Alternating Cumulative Chron.
10,000 Yrs Span – Biblical Chronologies
Regular Chron: MT, LXX, SP
Key of 23 Table of Dates
336=360, Key of 23’s Twin
‘Key of 23’ Rewrite: A work in progress!
2Cainan inserted in Reg. MT Chron.
Exodus Sojourn: 430 & 215-Yr Patterns in Chron.
Pt1&2: Stat. Analysis Terah-Joshua, MT, LXX, SP
MT & LXX Cum & .Reg. Chron. Probability Analysis
7 Celestial Days: 72-Yr Precession at Creation
Bk Enoch Chronology of 70 & 72-Yr Gener.
Matthew’s Genealogy: Comparisons
2Esdras & Canonical Chronology Agreement
Dating Kohath & Amram
Flood-Day Mapping as Years: Creation to Christ
Discuss “Mirror” & 23
Astronomical-Year Mirror at Flood MT, LXX, SP
Noah’s 950’s, Shem, Flood: 6500, 6000 Mirror
Kenan reinserted into Chron. 16560 yrs
Key of 23: Uniting & Overlapping Events
Pillars of Creation in fractal form
Fibonacci Sequence in Bible
Inverted Bible Timelines
Key Dates in Bk of Jubilees
Discuss 364-day Calendar
1a. Discuss Kings of Judah
1b. Berossus Babylonian Chron.
1c. Reverse Shadow of Hezekiah & why “185000” slain
Discuss Mahalaleel & Enoch
930-950-930 Pattern & Reinsertion of Cainan into MT
Anno Mundi: Analysis
Symbolic Dy-Yr (Ezk, Exodus, Flood)
1b: Ezekiel Chart: Methodology
2a: Day-Year Symbolism-Ezekiel:
2b: Day-Year Symbolism in Ezekiel:
2c: Day-Year Symbolism in Ezekiel:
3a. Day-Yr: Solomon Temple
3b: Day-Year Symb: Exodus/Conquest:
4a: Day-Year Symbolism at Genesis Flood
4b: Day-Year Symbolism: Genesis Flood
4c: Day-Year Symbolism: Genesis Flood
5. Day-Years Birth of Jesus
5b: Birth of Christ – Capstone – Key of 23
5c. Sum of Symbolic Dates = Collective Date
5d. Expansion of Sets: 230 & Mirror
5e. Inverted Bible Timelines
5f. Appendix: Effects of Inverse
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