How to Calculate Dates from Datumn 598 BC Tishri and 597 BC Nisan

Tishri Datum, 598 BCNisan Datum, 597 BCApprox. Modern MonthEvent
Ezek 1:25th year, 4th mth, 5th-(12th) day593593June
7-day” Vision

=430 days
Ezek 8:16th year, 6th mth, 5th day592592August
First Temple vision
Ezek 20:17th year, 5th mth, 10th day591591July
God refuses elders
Ezek 24:19th year, 10th mth, 10th day590589DecemberSiege of Jerusalem begins
Ezek 26:111th year, ? mth, 1st day588 or 587587UnknownJudgment on Tyre
Ezek 29:110th year, 10th mth, 12th day589588DecemberProphecy against Egypt
Ezek 29:1727th year, 1st mth, 1st day571571March
Further Egypt prophecy
Ezek 30:2011th year, 1st mth, 7th day587587March
Egypt prophecy continued
Ezek 31:111th year, 3rd mth, 1st day587587May
Egypt prophecy continued
Ezek 32:112th year, 12th mth, 1st day587586February
Egypt prophecy continued
Ezek 32:1712th year, ? Mth, 15th day587 or 586586UnknownLament for Egypt
Ezek 33:2112th year, 10th mth, 5th day587586December1st Refugee Post-Fall
Ezek 40:125th year, 1st mth, 10th day573573March
Future Temple vision
Note: The approximate modern months are based on the Hebrew calendar’s alignment with the Gregorian calendar, which can vary slightly from year to year. The events are condensed descriptions based on the timeline provided.

Calculating Dates in Ezekiel: Harmonizing Nisan and Tishri Year-Counting Systems

  • Two datums are used:
    • Nisan 1st, 597 BC (spring to spring)
    • Tishri 1st, 598 BC (autumn to autumn)
  • Month counting:
    • Months are counted from spring (Nisan), regardless of which datum is used– only the year may differ.
    • Special Tishri calculation:
      • Subtract full years from 598 BC as usual.
      • For the partial year:
        • If the event is in months 1-6, add six months after autumn, then count months 1-6 as normal from spring.
        • If the event is in months 7-12, subtract six months before autumn, then count to months 7-12 normally from the previous spring.
  • Year alignment:
    • Events in months 1-6 will be in the same year for both datums.
    • Events in months 7-12 will be one year earlier in the Tishri datum compared to the Nisan datum.


  1. “5th year, 4th month, 5th day” translates to:
    • Nisan datum: 593 BC (597 – 4 = 593)
    • Tishri datum: 593 BC (598 – 5 = 593) Explanation: In Tishri counting, the 5th year spans from Tishri 594 BC to Tishri 593 BC. The 4th month falls in the latter half of this year (after months 7-12), so it’s in 593 BC.
  2. “Ezek 24:1 | 9th year, 10th month, 10th day” translates to:
    • Nisan datum: 589 BC (December) (597 – 8 = 589)
    • Tishri datum: 590 BC (December) (598 – 8 = 590) Explanation: In Tishri counting, the 9th year spans from Tishri 590 BC to Tishri 589 BC. The 10th month falls in the first half of this year (within months 7-12), so it’s in 590 BC.