3c. Discussing the Sign of the Reverse Shadow of King Hezekiah as it Relates to Berossus List and the “185000” Slain.

Sumerian Kings List Discussion In Relation to the Sundial of Ahaz

UserFamiliarize yourself with the contents of these three web pages that I wrote, primarily focusing on the Sumerian Kings List.
This piece of information is what we will now discuss in particular, as well as the part about the dial of Ahaz in the days of Hezekiah when it went backward ten degrees. Also, take note of information regarding the Precession of the Stars/Equinox, wherein one Great year is both 25920 and 25800 years long.
"Anchor Date 486 BC 30,000 536 BC = anchor 486 BC for Berossus’ chronology.
Pillars AD 29,465/29,515 The Pillar is a point in time of convergence for virtually every major date in the MT and LXX Bible, the MT Long Accumulative chronology, Berossus, and the Sumer Kings List. It symbolizes the convergence of symbolic years of all kinds and literal long cycles in the cosmos regarding Precession of the Equinox and Axial tilt (obliquity). From 486 BC to AD 29,395 (inside the skin of the pillar–one handbreadth) is 29,880 years (83 x 360). See, 1260d.com/2017/09/29/moses-rod-swallows-sumerian-king-list/ for more information."
ChatGPTUser has requested to familiarize myself with the contents of three web pages they wrote, primarily focusing on the Sumerian Kings List, the dial of Ahaz in the days of Hezekiah when it went backward ten degrees, and information regarding the Precession of the Stars/Equinox where one Great year is both 25,920 and 25,800 years long. The user provided an anchor date of 486 BC for Berossus’ chronology, emphasizing a convergence point at AD 29,465/29,515 symbolizing the convergence of symbolic years and literal long cycles in the cosmos regarding Precession of the Equinox and Axial tilt. The user mentioned a period from 486 BC to AD 29,395 being 29,880 years (83 x 360). The user has provided links to three specific web pages for reference:

1. https://490d.com/discussion-about-biblical-numerics-using-chatgpt-as-a-sounding-board/
2. https://490d.com/3-discussion-judah_kings_chronology_actual_and_idealistic/
3. https://490d.com/3b-50-years-of-kings-of-judah-and-berossus-babylonian-chronology/
ToolModel set context updated.
ChatGPT### Summary of Key Points:

1. **Sumerian Kings List and Biblical Chronology**:
   - The Kings List dates back to 311,766 BC with Alorus and aligns with biblical figures like Adam and Noah.
   - Berossus' chronology records 34,080 years from the Flood to the Median conquest.
   - There is a notable 50-year discrepancy aligning Berossus’ anchor date (486 BC) with biblical events.

2. **Precession of the Stars and Dial of Ahaz**:
   - A Great Year in precession is 25,920 or 25,800 years, reflecting cosmic cycles.
   - The dial of Ahaz moved backward ten degrees in Hezekiah’s time, symbolizing divine intervention in cosmic events.

3. **The Pillar Concept**:
   - Symbolizes convergence of major biblical and ancient dates, signifying divine order.

For more detailed information, refer to the provided links on the 490d website:
- [Discussion on Biblical Numerics](https://490d.com/discussion-about-biblical-numerics-using-chatgpt-as-a-sounding-board/)
- [Judah Kings Chronology](https://490d.com/3-discussion-judah_kings_chronology_actual_and_idealistic/)
- [50 Years of Kings of Judah and Berossus Babylonian Chronology](https://490d.com/3b-50-years-of-kings-of-judah-and-berossus-babylonian-chronology/)
UserWe now continue our conversation about the Sundial of Ahaz in the days of Hezekiah. But first, review our earlier thoughts about this in the context of David's List of men in his army and how that such lists often denote years in time as a type of encoded language of scribes. 
"ChatGPT### Significance of Tenfold Structure in King David's Total

The tenfold increase in King David's total (340,800 men) emphasizes its symbolic importance, aligning with biblical numerics. This pattern mirrors the Accumulative Chronology from Creation to Moses, which totals 12,600 years (10 x 1260), reflecting the structure seen in Daniel 9-12 and Revelation 11-13. The tenfold magnification highlights the importance of these periods and numbers in the biblical narrative, underscoring their significance and ensuring their emphasis in the chronologies discussed.
UserThe second reason why the tenfold structure--why 340800 rather than the 34080 of Berossus--is that the difference between 340800 and 34080 is divisible by 360, and thus compatible with the internal structure of both the King's list of Berossus, Sumerian, and King David's own list.
Thus, from the starting point of 486 BC, plus 340800, we arrive at the more glorious figure of 341286 BC for the Flood, thereby placing everything further back in time and giving it a sense of historicity and timelessness greater than that of the Babylonians. The sons of Zadok and of Issachar, "who knew the times," would have understood this at the time of Ezra, although the rest of Israel would have been oblivious to this mystical hidden meaning.
ChatGPT### Importance of the Tenfold Structure in King David's Total

1. **Numerical Emphasis:** The tenfold structure (340,800 men) highlights the importance of King David's list, similar to the tenfold increase in the Accumulative Chronology from Creation to Moses (12,600 years = 10 x 1260).
2. **Compatibility:** The difference between 340,800 and 34,080 is divisible by 360, maintaining compatibility with the internal structure of the King's lists in Berossus, the Sumerian King List, and King David's list.
- \( 340,800 - 34,080 = 306,720 \)
- \( 306,720 / 360 = 852 \)

### Historical and Mystical Significance
- **Timeline Extension:** From 486 BC plus 340,800 years, we reach 341,286 BC for the Flood, adding historicity and a sense of timelessness surpassing Babylonian timelines.
- **Hidden Meaning:** The sons of Zadok and Issachar, "who knew the times," would understand this deeper mystical significance at the time of Ezra, though it remained hidden from the rest of Israel.

This tenfold structure magnifies the significance and aligns the historical and biblical chronologies in a harmonious and meaningful way.
UserThe one difference between the anchor date of Berossus and that of the Hebrews 10x structure is what direction the Minus 720 years goes. For Berossus it moves forward in time (486 BC to AD 235), but the 720 years for the Jews moved backward in time, that is, 1206-486 BC, and partly explains the event of King Hezekiah, when Sundial went backward (rather than forward) ten degrees, which is 720 years of Precession of the Stars (25920/360 degrees = 72. 72 x 10 degrees = 720 years.
ChatGPT### Distinguishing the Anchor Dates and Their Directions

1. **Berossus' Anchor Date:**
- Moves forward in time.
- Example: 486 BC to AD 235 (Minus 720 years).

2. **Hebrew 10x Structure:**
- Moves backward in time.
- Example: 1206-486 BC.

### Biblical Context and Significance

- **King Hezekiah's Sundial Event:**
- The sundial moved backward ten degrees, symbolizing a shift of 720 years of Precession of the Stars.
- **Precession Calculation:**
- Precession of the Stars is 25,920 years for a full 360 degrees.
- \( 25,920 / 360 = 72 \) years per degree.
- \( 72 \times 10 = 720 \) years.

This distinction illustrates how the Hebrews used the 10x structure to emphasize a backward shift in time, connecting to significant biblical events and cosmic cycles.
UserThank you for your accurate restating for the sake of clarity, but please also include the scriptural references, such as the reference to the sons of Issachar and to the events of Hezekiah and the Sundial.
ChatGPT### Distinguishing the Anchor Dates and Their Directions

1. **Berossus' Anchor Date:**
- Moves forward in time.
- Example: 486 BC to AD 235 (Minus 720 years).

2. **Hebrew 10x Structure:**
- Moves backward in time.
- Example: 1206-486 BC.

### Biblical Context and Significance

- **King Hezekiah's Sundial Event:**
- The sundial moved backward ten degrees, symbolizing a shift of 720 years of Precession of the Stars (Isaiah 38:8; 2 Kings 20:9-11).
- **Precession Calculation:**
- Precession of the Stars is 25,920 years for a full 360 degrees.
- \( 25,920 / 360 = 72 \) years per degree.
- \( 72 \times 10 = 720 \) years.

- **Sons of Issachar:**
- "Men who understood the times and knew what Israel should do" (1 Chronicles 12:32).

### Conclusion

This distinction illustrates how the Hebrews used the 10x structure to emphasize a backward shift in time, connecting to significant biblical events and cosmic cycles. The alignment of these chronologies enhances the understanding of historical and prophetic timelines.
UserThus, when you think about it when the sundial went back ten degrees, it would have to recover and go over this ten degrees again, so that in this sense, there are ten plus ten degrees, and so it is with the 720 + 720 years referred to, that is, from 1206 to 486 to AD 235.
Moreover, Recall the total of 1200 x 360 years of Berossus from the Creation to the Flood, and the 670 + 50 = 720 of the Sumerian Tablets:
Observe the perfect fit now...
1206 BC to 6 BC of the coming of Messiah, the son of David, is 1200 years.
And 1206 BC - 670 = 536 BC (the actual starting position), plus 50 more = 486 BC, the figurative position due to the effect of the extra 50 years of the Kings of Judah when totaled literally above the true span back to King David.
ChatGPT### Integration of Biblical and Ancient Chronologies

1. **Sundial Event and Cosmic Cycles:**
- Hezekiah's sundial moved backward ten degrees, symbolizing a 720-year cycle of Precession (Isaiah 38:8; 2 Kings 20:9-11).
- Precession Calculation:
- \( 25,920 \) years for a full 360 degrees.
- \( 25,920 / 360 = 72 \) years per degree.
- \( 72 \times 10 = 720 \) years.
- Hence, the sundial going back and forward ten degrees covers \( 720 + 720 \) years from 1206 BC to AD 235.

2. **Chronological Fit:**
- **Berossus:** 1200 x 360 years from Creation to the Flood.
- **Sumerian Tablets:** 670 + 50 = 720.
- **Biblical Chronology:**
- 1206 BC to 6 BC (Messiah's birth): 1200 years.
- 1206 BC - 670 = 536 BC (actual start).
- Plus 50 years = 486 BC (figurative due to Judah's kings).

### Scriptural References:
- **Sons of Issachar:** 1 Chronicles 12:32.
- **Hezekiah's Sundial:** Isaiah 38:8; 2 Kings 20:9-11.
UserThus, starting from 1206/486 BC as the anchor for the ten-fold increase of King David's list brings us to 342006/341286 BC for the Flood.
ChatGPT### Integration of King David's List with Ancient Chronologies

Using 1206/486 BC as the anchor for King David's tenfold structure brings us to significant historical dates:

1. **From 1206 BC (literal start) and 486 BC (figurative start due to extra 50 years of Judah's kings):**
- **Flood Date:** 342006/341286 BC.

### Scriptural and Chronological Context
- **Sundial Event:** Isaiah 38:8; 2 Kings 20:9-11, symbolizes 720 + 720 years.
- **Sons of Issachar:** 1 Chronicles 12:32, "men who understood the times."

This framework connects biblical events and ancient chronologies, highlighting their interconnected significance and enhancing historical understanding.
UserFlood Date: 342006/341286 BC plus 340,800 years of David's List equals 1206/486 BC.
ChatGPT### Integration of Chronologies

1. **Anchor Dates:**
- **Literal Start:** 1206 BC.
- **Figurative Start:** 486 BC (due to the extra 50 years of Judah's kings).

2. **Calculations:**
- **Flood Date:** 342006/341286 BC.
- **Adding King David's List (340,800 years):**
- \( 342006 + 340800 = 1206 \) BC.
- \( 341286 + 340800 = 486 \) BC.

### Scriptural and Chronological Context:
- **Hezekiah's Sundial:** (Isaiah 38:8; 2 Kings 20:9-11) represents 720 + 720 years.
- **Sons of Issachar:** (1 Chronicles 12:32), "men who understood the times."

This structure aligns significant biblical events with ancient chronologies, illustrating their interconnected significance and enhancing our historical understanding.
UserFlood date: 342006 BC to 6 BC. The birth of Messiah, the Savior, is thus 950 x 360 years (342000) to Messiah, the son of David. This 950 is an echo of the 950 years of Noah's lifespan at the time of the Flood.
ChatGPT### Integration of Chronologies and Symbolism

1. **Flood Date to Birth of Messiah:**
- **Flood Date:** 342006 BC.
- **Birth of Messiah:** 6 BC.
- **Time Span:** 950 x 360 years = 342000 years.

2. **Symbolic Echo:**
- **Noah's Lifespan:** 950 years (Genesis 9:29).
- This time span mirrors Noah's 950 years, symbolizing continuity and fulfillment in the lineage from Noah to Messiah, the son of David.

### Scriptural and Chronological Context
- **Sundial Event:** (Isaiah 38:8; 2 Kings 20:9-11) represents 720 + 720 years.
- **Sons of Issachar:** (1 Chronicles 12:32), "men who understood the times."

This framework aligns significant biblical events with ancient chronologies, illustrating their interconnected significance and enhancing our historical understanding.
UserMoreover, 342006 BC is also 340560 years to the Exodus, when Israel left its "430 years" in Egypt.
340560 is 430 x 792 years so the 430 years in Egypt integrates with this "430 x 792", and thus with the Creation dates of Berossus (465846 BC) and of the Sumerian Kings List (311046 BC), and also with the Pillar date of 29515 AD.
342006 BC BC to 465846 BC are 430x4x72.
342006 BC to 311046 BC are 430x72.
342006 BC to 1446 BC are 430x11x72.
342006 BC to AD 29515 are 430x12x72.
This demonstrates the compatibility of King David's inflated Flood date of 342006 BC with the Creation dates produced by Berossus and the Sumerian Kings List, and to the Pillar.
ChatGPT### Integration of Chronologies and Symbolism

1. **Flood Date to Key Events:**
- **Flood Date:** 342006 BC.
- **Birth of Messiah:** 6 BC.
- **Time Span:** 950 x 360 years = 342000 years (mirroring Noah's lifespan of 950 years).

2. **Flood Date to the Exodus:**
- **Exodus:** 1446 BC.
- **Time Span:** 340560 years = 430 x 792 years.

### Compatibility with Other Chronologies:

- **Berossus Creation Date (465846 BC):**
- 342006 BC to 465846 BC = 430 x 4 x 72 years.

- **Sumerian Kings List (311046 BC):**
- 342006 BC to 311046 BC = 430 x 72 years.

- **Pillar Date (AD 29515):**
- 342006 BC to AD 29515 = 430 x 12 x 72 years.

This demonstrates the compatibility of King David's inflated Flood date of 342006 BC with the Creation dates produced by Berossus and the Sumerian Kings List, as well as the Pillar date. This intricate alignment highlights the deep interconnectedness of these ancient chronologies and their biblical significance.
UserKing David's List is further discussed at my webpage here:
UserBack to our discussion:
Although the grand total of David's List amounts to 340800, the individual tribes that total this figure appear to be reduced back tenfold to the size of Berossus again. In other words, there is the grand figure of 340800, ten times that of Berossus, but to directly overlap Berossus, the figures in David's list return to 1/10th.
Thus, for instance, 1206 BC plus 34080 years (1/10th, and the same as Berosuss, hence overlapping Berossus directly) is 35286 BC.
35286 BC to 6 BC is 720 x 49, that is, 720 jubilees, that is, (360 + 360) x 49. Which is also 1260 x 28.
And 35286 BC to the Pillar in 29515 AD is 64800 years (360 x 180), which is 2.5 Precession Years.
ChatGPT### Integration of King David's List with Ancient Chronologies

**Grand Total of David's List:**
- **Total:** 340,800 men, reflecting a tenfold increase.
- **Reduction to Overlap Berossus:**
- Figures in David's list reduced to 1/10th for direct overlap.

### Key Calculations:

1. **1206 BC + 34080 years:**
- **Result:** 35286 BC.
- **From 35286 BC to 6 BC:**
- 720 x 49 (720 jubilees) = (360 + 360) x 49.
- **Also:** 1260 x 28.

2. **From 35286 BC to the Pillar in 29515 AD:**
- **Total:** 64800 years (360 x 180).
- **Equivalent to:** 2.5 Precession Years.

### Scriptural and Chronological Context:
- **Sons of Issachar:** 1 Chronicles 12:32, "men who understood the times."
- **Hezekiah's Sundial:** Isaiah 38:8; 2 Kings 20:9-11, representing 720 + 720 years.

This framework demonstrates the compatibility of King David's list with Berossus and the Sumerian Kings List, highlighting the intricate alignment of biblical and ancient chronologies."
ChatGPT### Integration of King David's List with Ancient Chronologies

**Grand Total of David's List:**
- **Total:** 340,800 men, reflecting a tenfold increase.
- **Reduction to Overlap Berossus:**
- Figures in David's list reduced to 1/10th for direct overlap.

### Key Calculations:

1. **1206 BC + 34,080 years:**
- **Result:** 35,286 BC.
- **From 35,286 BC to 6 BC:**
- 720 x 49 (720 jubilees) = (360 + 360) x 49.
- **Also:** 1260 x 28.

2. **From 35,286 BC to the Pillar in 29,515 AD:**
- **Total:** 64,800 years (360 x 180).
- **Equivalent to:** 2.5 Precession Years.

### Scriptural and Chronological Context:
- **Sons of Issachar:** 1 Chronicles 12:32, "men who understood the times."
- **Hezekiah's Sundial:** Isaiah 38:8; 2 Kings 20:9-11, representing 720 + 720 years.

This framework demonstrates the compatibility of King David's list with Berossus and the Sumerian Kings List, highlighting the intricate alignment of biblical and ancient chronologies.

For further details, refer to the provided webpage: [Discussion about Biblical Numerics](https://490d.com/discussion-about-biblical-numerics-using-chatgpt-as-a-sounding-board/).
UserNow that we have reviewed the context for this day's discussion, we begin by reviewing the text about Hezekiah's sundial in and around Isaiah 37-38, 2 Kings 20, and 2Chronicles. 
Be sure to site scriptural references even if I don't. 
We begin by asking you these questions regarding the above texts:
What is the context for the siege of Sennacherib on Jerusalem?
What is the boast of Rabshakeh?
What is there response of Isaiah?
What was the sign given by God to Isaiah?
What is the number of Assyrians killed by the angel?
Add any other pertinent details.

ChatGPT### Context and Events Surrounding Hezekiah's Sundial

1. **Context for the Siege of Sennacherib on Jerusalem:**
   - **Siege:** Sennacherib, the king of Assyria, laid siege to Jerusalem during Hezekiah's reign. This event is recorded in Isaiah 36-37, 2 Kings 18-19, and 2 Chronicles 32. Hezekiah had rebelled against Assyrian dominance, prompting Sennacherib to attack.

2. **Boast of Rabshakeh:**
   - **Speech:** Rabshakeh, the Assyrian field commander, delivered a boastful speech to the people of Jerusalem, mocking their trust in God and Hezekiah. He claimed that neither Egypt nor their God could save them from Assyrian might (Isaiah 36:4-20; 2 Kings 18:19-35).

3. **Response of Isaiah:**
   - **Prophecy:** Isaiah assured Hezekiah that God would defend Jerusalem and that Sennacherib would not enter the city. He predicted Sennacherib's downfall and return to Assyria, where he would be killed (Isaiah 37:6-7; 2 Kings 19:6-7).

4. **Sign Given by God to Isaiah:**
   - **Sign:** As a sign of God's promise to heal Hezekiah and deliver Jerusalem, the shadow on the sundial of Ahaz moved backward ten steps (Isaiah 38:7-8; 2 Kings 20:8-11).

5. **Number of Assyrians Killed by the Angel:**
   - **Destruction:** The angel of the Lord struck down 185,000 Assyrian soldiers in their camp, forcing Sennacherib to retreat to Nineveh (Isaiah 37:36; 2 Kings 19:35).

### Other Pertinent Details:

- **Hezekiah’s Prayer:** Hezekiah prayed earnestly to God for deliverance from the Assyrians, expressing his trust and seeking divine intervention (Isaiah 37:15-20; 2 Kings 19:15-19).
- **Sennacherib's Downfall:** Sennacherib was later assassinated by his own sons while worshipping in the temple of his god Nisroch (Isaiah 37:37-38; 2 Kings 19:36-37).
- **Hezekiah's Illness:** Following the siege, Hezekiah fell ill and was near death. He prayed to God, and Isaiah delivered the message that God would extend his life by fifteen years (Isaiah 38:1-5; 2 Kings 20:1-6).

These events collectively highlight God's power and faithfulness in protecting Jerusalem and answering the prayers of His people.
UserThank you.
Therefore, not only was Hezekiah's death delayed (in his case by 15 years), but so was Jerusalem's fall, as if the two were bound up together in a consequential outcome. Both were temporarily spared from death.
Jerusalem, with its temple, would fall exactly 15 + 100 years later (701-686-586 BC).
ChatGPT### Integration of Hezekiah's Life Extension and Jerusalem's Delay

**Hezekiah's Extended Life:**
- God granted Hezekiah an additional 15 years of life after his earnest prayer (Isaiah 38:5; 2 Kings 20:6).

**Jerusalem's Fall Delayed:**
- Jerusalem and its temple were spared for a time, much like Hezekiah. The city ultimately fell exactly 115 years later: 
  - 701 BC (Sennacherib's siege)
  - 686 BC (Hezekiah's death)
  - 586 BC (Jerusalem's fall to Babylon).

### Scriptural Context:
- **Hezekiah's Prayer and Promise:** Isaiah 38:1-6; 2 Kings 20:1-6.
- **Historical Events:** Isaiah 37-38; 2 Kings 19-20.

The intertwined fates of Hezekiah and Jerusalem highlight God's mercy and the temporary reprieve given to both the king and the city.
UserObserve that 100 years is a full generation, as it was in Abraham's day, and that the grand total of 115 years is a "Key of 23" number in that it is 5 x 23. The Key of 23 is not the focus of this conversation, but it is worth noting.
Moreover, we have discussed before the use of 1290 years of Daniel 12 (as days) and that from when Israel entered Egypt in 1876 BC for 430 years (1446 BC) unto 586 BC when Jerusalem fell are 1290 years, divided into three sets of 430 years, which is as days as outlined in Ezekiel 4.
ChatGPT### Integration of Historical and Numerical Patterns

**Hezekiah's Life Extension and Jerusalem's Delay:**
- Hezekiah’s life was extended by 15 years (Isaiah 38:5; 2 Kings 20:6).
- Jerusalem fell 115 years after Sennacherib’s siege (701-586 BC), exactly 15 + 100 years.

**Significance of Numbers:**
- **100 Years:** Represents a full generation, as seen in Abraham’s time (Genesis 15:13, 16).
- **115 Years:** A multiple of 23 (5 x 23), indicating a "Key of 23."

**Daniel's 1290 Years:**
- **Timeline:**
  - Entering Egypt in 1876 BC.
  - 430 years in Egypt, leaving in 1446 BC.
  - 1290 years from 1876 BC to 586 BC (Ezekiel 4).

This integration underscores the layered significance of biblical numerics and prophetic timelines.
UserAbraham lived from 2166-1991 BC. 
It is interesting that Abraham's death to 701 BC when Hezekiah was slated to die are 1290 years.
And 115 years after the death of Abraham is 1876 BC when Israel entered Egypt. Thus, we have this pattern so far:
1991-701 = 1290 years.
1876-586=1290 years.
With 115 years between these two 1290-year periods.
Moreover, 115 is 1/10th 1150 of Daniel 8 with its "2300 evenings and mornings" associated with "The abomination that causes desolation," as is Daniel 12 with the prophecy about the 1290 days. Both 1290 and the gap between them of 115 are associated with the abomination. 
This is not the main focus of what we will discuss, but it does help lay the groundwork for it.
ChatGPT### Integration of Historical and Numerical Patterns

**Abraham's Timeline:**
- **Lifetime:** 2166-1991 BC.

**Patterns Identified:**
1. **1991 BC to 701 BC (Hezekiah's slated death):**
   - 1290 years.
2. **1876 BC (Israel enters Egypt) to 586 BC (Jerusalem's fall):**
   - 1290 years.
3. **115 Years Between 1290-Year Periods:**
   - Abraham's death (1991 BC) to 1876 BC: 115 years.

### Additional Numerical Significance:
- **115 Years:** 1/10th of the 1150 days in Daniel 8 associated with the "2300 evenings and mornings."
- **Abomination and Desolation:** Both 1290 years and the 115-year gap are linked to this prophecy (Daniel 8, 12).

These patterns lay a foundation for understanding the integration of biblical timelines and prophetic significance.
UserMoreover, the gap of time from Abraham's death to when they entered Egypt is expressly mentioned in Genesis 15, "The Covenant of the Pieces."
12As the sun was setting, Abram fell into a deep sleep, and a thick and dreadful darkness came over him. 13Then the Lord said to him, “Know for certain that for four hundred years your descendants will be strangers in a country not their own and that they will be enslaved and mistreated there. 14But I will punish the nation they serve as slaves, and afterward they will come out with great possessions. 15You, however, will go to your ancestors in peace and be buried at a good old age. 16In the fourth generation your descendants will come back here, for the sin of the Amorites has not yet reached its full measure.”
ChatGPT### Integration of Genesis 15 and Historical Patterns

**Covenant of the Pieces:**
- **Genesis 15:12-16:** 
  - God tells Abram about his descendants being strangers and enslaved for 400 years.
  - Promise of eventual deliverance and return to the promised land.
  - Abram would die in peace at an old age, with his descendants returning in the fourth generation.

**Historical Patterns:**
1. **1290-Year Periods:**
   - 1991 BC (Abraham’s death) to 701 BC (Hezekiah’s slated death): 1290 years.
   - 1876 BC (Israel enters Egypt) to 586 BC (Jerusalem's fall): 1290 years.

2. **115-Year Gap:**
   - Abraham’s death (1991 BC) to Israel entering Egypt (1876 BC): 115 years.

3. **Connection to Prophecy:**
   - 115 years relates to Daniel's prophecy of 2300 evenings and mornings (Daniel 8).
   - Both 1290 and the 115-year gaps are linked to the prophecy of abomination (Daniel 12).

This connection integrates biblical promises and prophetic timelines, emphasizing the significance of these periods in God's plan.
UserThese details become important later. For example, the narrative of Hezekiah's and Jerusalem's deliverance echos and alludes to the Passover deliverance from Egypt. 
Draw a comparison between these two events.
ChatGPT### Comparison of Hezekiah's and Jerusalem's Deliverance with the Passover Deliverance from Egypt

**Hezekiah's Deliverance:**
- **Context:** Sennacherib's siege of Jerusalem (Isaiah 37-38; 2 Kings 19-20).
- **Miraculous Sign:** Shadow moved back ten steps on the sundial (Isaiah 38:8).
- **Divine Intervention:** Angel of the Lord killed 185,000 Assyrians (Isaiah 37:36; 2 Kings 19:35).
- **Outcome:** Hezekiah's life extended by 15 years; Jerusalem spared.

**Passover Deliverance from Egypt:**
- **Context:** Israelites enslaved in Egypt for 400 years (Exodus 1-12).
- **Miraculous Sign:** Plagues, climaxing in the death of the firstborn (Exodus 7-12).
- **Divine Intervention:** God passed over Israelite homes marked with lamb's blood (Exodus 12:13).
- **Outcome:** Israelites liberated from Egypt, crossing the Red Sea (Exodus 14).

### Similarities:
1. **Divine Deliverance:** Both events involve miraculous divine intervention to save God's people.
2. **Death of Oppressors:** The Assyrian army and the Egyptian firstborn both suffer divine punishment.
3. **Signs:** Miraculous signs confirm God's promise (sundial moving back, plagues).
4. **Extended Life and Freedom:** Hezekiah’s extended life and Jerusalem’s reprieve echo Israel’s liberation and journey to the Promised Land.

### Significance:
- Both events reinforce God's faithfulness in delivering His people from powerful enemies.
- They highlight God’s control over time and history, as seen in Hezekiah's extended life and the timing of the Passover.
- The connection between these deliverances strengthens the narrative of God's ongoing protection and fulfillment of promises throughout biblical history.
UserRight, although I would add that in both accounts the Angel of the Lord is observed. And in each case, the gods are being challenged and judged.
ChatGPT### Comparison of Hezekiah's and Jerusalem's Deliverance with the Passover Deliverance from Egypt

**Hezekiah's Deliverance:**
- **Context:** Sennacherib's siege of Jerusalem (Isaiah 37-38; 2 Kings 19-20).
- **Miraculous Sign:** Shadow moved back ten steps on the sundial (Isaiah 38:8).
- **Divine Intervention:** Angel of the Lord killed 185,000 Assyrians (Isaiah 37:36; 2 Kings 19:35).
- **Outcome:** Hezekiah's life extended by 15 years; Jerusalem spared.

**Passover Deliverance from Egypt:**
- **Context:** Israelites enslaved in Egypt for 400 years (Exodus 1-12).
- **Miraculous Sign:** Plagues, climaxing in the death of the firstborn (Exodus 7-12).
- **Divine Intervention:** God passed over Israelite homes marked with lamb's blood (Exodus 12:13).
- **Outcome:** Israelites liberated from Egypt, crossing the Red Sea (Exodus 14).

### Similarities:
1. **Divine Deliverance:** Both events involve miraculous divine intervention to save God's people.
2. **Death of Oppressors:** The Assyrian army and the Egyptian firstborn both suffer divine punishment.
3. **Signs:** Miraculous signs confirm God's promise (sundial moving back, plagues).
4. **Extended Life and Freedom:** Hezekiah’s extended life and Jerusalem’s reprieve echo Israel’s liberation and journey to the Promised Land.
5. **Angel of the Lord:** In both accounts, the Angel of the Lord executes judgment.
6. **Challenge to Gods:** Both narratives challenge and judge the gods of Assyria and Egypt.

### Significance:
- Both events reinforce God's faithfulness in delivering His people from powerful enemies.
- They highlight God’s control over time and history, as seen in Hezekiah's extended life and the timing of the Passover.
- The connection between these deliverances strengthens the narrative of God's ongoing protection and fulfillment of promises throughout biblical history.

### Scriptural References:
- **Hezekiah's Deliverance:** Isaiah 37-38, 2 Kings 19-20, 2 Chronicles 32.
- **Passover:** Exodus 1-14.
- **Angel of the Lord:** Isaiah 37:36, Exodus 12:13.
- **Challenge to Gods:** Isaiah 37:10-13, Exodus 12:12.
UserAnother important detail is Hezekiah's faithfulness to keep the Passover unlike those who went before him. Thus, Hezekiah's earlier faithfulness is one reason why God spared both Hezekiah and Jerusalem later. Few kings kept the Passover as required by the law of Moses.
ChatGPT### Comparison of Hezekiah's and Jerusalem's Deliverance with the Passover Deliverance from Egypt

**Hezekiah's Deliverance:**
- **Context:** Sennacherib's siege of Jerusalem (Isaiah 37-38; 2 Kings 19-20).
- **Miraculous Sign:** Shadow moved back ten steps on the sundial (Isaiah 38:8).
- **Divine Intervention:** Angel of the Lord killed 185,000 Assyrians (Isaiah 37:36; 2 Kings 19:35).
- **Outcome:** Hezekiah's life extended by 15 years; Jerusalem spared.

**Passover Deliverance from Egypt:**
- **Context:** Israelites enslaved in Egypt for 400 years (Exodus 1-12).
- **Miraculous Sign:** Plagues, climaxing in the death of the firstborn (Exodus 7-12).
- **Divine Intervention:** God passed over Israelite homes marked with lamb's blood (Exodus 12:13).
- **Outcome:** Israelites liberated from Egypt, crossing the Red Sea (Exodus 14).

### Similarities:
1. **Divine Deliverance:** Both events involve miraculous divine intervention to save God's people.
2. **Death of Oppressors:** The Assyrian army and the Egyptian firstborn both suffer divine punishment.
3. **Signs:** Miraculous signs confirm God's promise (sundial moving back, plagues).
4. **Extended Life and Freedom:** Hezekiah’s extended life and Jerusalem’s reprieve echo Israel’s liberation and journey to the Promised Land.
5. **Angel of the Lord:** In both accounts, the Angel of the Lord executes judgment.
6. **Challenge to Gods:** Both narratives challenge and judge the gods of Assyria and Egypt.
7. **Faithfulness to Passover:** Hezekiah's observance of the Passover was rare among kings and contributed to God's favor (2 Chronicles 30:1-27).

### Significance:
- Both events reinforce God's faithfulness in delivering His people from powerful enemies.
- They highlight God’s control over time and history, as seen in Hezekiah's extended life and the timing of the Passover.
- The connection between these deliverances strengthens the narrative of God's ongoing protection and fulfillment of promises throughout biblical history.

### Scriptural References:
- **Hezekiah's Deliverance:** Isaiah 37-38, 2 Kings 19-20, 2 Chronicles 32.
- **Passover:** Exodus 1-14.
- **Angel of the Lord:** Isaiah 37:36, Exodus 12:13.
- **Challenge to Gods:** Isaiah 37:10-13, Exodus 12:12.
- **Faithfulness to Passover:** 2 Chronicles 30:1-27.
UserOne further sidenote of importance:
As just discussed, Gen. 15, "The Covenant of the Pieces," occurred when Abraham was ten years old in the Land and thus 85 years old. (Gen. 16 goes on to describe the conception of Ishmael and his birth when Abraham was "86 years old." This is how we know when the Covenant of the Pieces occurred.)
Abraham was born in 2166 BC. Therefore, 85 years later, the Covenant of the Pieces is in 2081 BC, and Isaac was born 15 years later, when Abraham was 100 years old, in 2066 BC.

2081 - 701 BC = 1380.
2066 - 686 BC = 1380.
1380 is 23 x 60, a very important Key-of-23 number: It is 460 x 3, a number associated with Jarod, born 460 years from Creation: It was in the days of Jarod that the rebellion of the Watchers/Angels occurred as described in the Book of Enoch, ch. 6.
It may not be a coincidence that with the Key of 23, 1380 converts to 1500 years (1380 x 25/23 = 1500 years, which in the context of Abraham, who had his son at 100 years of age, and died 100 years from when he left Babylon and Haran, and given the prophecy of "the 4th generation" being "400 years", therefore, in this context, a generation is 100 years--therefore, this "1500 years" is the same as 15 generations, which explains why the extension of 15 years for Hezekiah.
2081 - 701 BC = 1380x25/23=1500.
2066 - 686 BC = 1380x25/23=1500.
With 15 years between each set of 1380/1500 years.
ChatGPT### Integration of Historical and Numerical Patterns

**Covenant of the Pieces:**
- **Timing:** Occurred when Abraham was 85 years old (2081 BC), before the birth of Ishmael (Genesis 16:16). 
- **Isaac’s Birth:** 15 years later, when Abraham was 100 years old (2066 BC).

### Patterns Identified:
1. **2081 BC to 701 BC:**
   - 1380 years (23 x 60).

2. **2066 BC to 686 BC:**
   - 1380 years (23 x 60).

### Key Numbers:
- **1380 as 23 x 60:** Important in biblical numerics and linked to the rebellion of the Watchers/Angels in Jared’s time (Book of Enoch, ch. 6).
- **Conversion:** 1380 x 25/23 = 1500 years, reflecting 15 generations (each generation as 100 years).

### Scriptural and Chronological Context:
- **Hezekiah's 15-Year Extension:** Parallels the 15 years between each set of 1380/1500 years.

### Summary:
This intricate numerical pattern underscores the connection between biblical events, Hezekiah’s extended life, and significant historical timelines, revealing a deeper, numerically encoded narrative in the Bible.
UserOne would think this connection of 15 generations with 15 years is a coincidence, except that this sort of thing is consistent throughout the Bible from beginning to end. 
The mathematics of this event is rich, and it must be understood that what we discuss next is only one aspect. 
I want to zero in on the sign of the shadow "going back" ten degrees and its connection to the army of the Assyrians "going back" to where they came from after the 185000 were slain. The retreat of the shadow that foretold Hezekiah's recovery finds its counterpart in the retreat of the army of King Sennacherib, who meets his death in contrast to King Hezekiah. 
ChatGPT### Significance of the Shadow Going Back Ten Degrees and the Assyrian Army's Retreat

**Shadow's Sign and Hezekiah's Recovery:**
- **Miraculous Sign:** The shadow on the sundial moved back ten degrees, symbolizing Hezekiah’s recovery and extension of life by 15 years (Isaiah 38:8; 2 Kings 20:8-11).

**Assyrian Army's Retreat:**
- **Divine Intervention:** The Angel of the Lord killed 185,000 Assyrians, leading to Sennacherib's retreat back to Assyria and his eventual death (Isaiah 37:36-38; 2 Kings 19:35-37).

### Parallel and Contrast:
- **Retreat of the Shadow and Army:** The shadow’s backward movement and the Assyrian army’s retreat symbolize divine intervention and deliverance for Jerusalem.
- **Hezekiah and Sennacherib:** Hezekiah’s life is extended, whereas Sennacherib meets his demise upon returning to Assyria.

### Scriptural References:
- **Hezekiah’s Sign:** Isaiah 38:8; 2 Kings 20:8-11.
- **Assyrian Army’s Defeat:** Isaiah 37:36-38; 2 Kings 19:35-37. 

These events reflect God’s sovereignty and power in delivering His people and judging their enemies.
UserThis leads us to ponder, why this very specific number of "185000 dead" Assyrians?
We saw in David's Kings list that the number that formed the army represented symbolic years.
I propose that the 185000 is another example of this, that is, 185000 years, encoded by the scribes, or if not by them, then God Himself.
ChatGPT### Significance of the Number 185,000

The specific number of 185,000 Assyrians killed may indeed hold symbolic meaning. Given the pattern observed in David's list of men in his army, where numbers represent symbolic years, it is plausible that the 185,000 could similarly encode symbolic years.

### Analysis:

1. **Symbolic Years:**
   - **185,000 as Years:** This number could represent a span of 185,000 years in a symbolic or prophetic framework, highlighting a divine message encoded in biblical numerics.

2. **Biblical Context:**
   - **Pattern Consistency:** Just as David’s army numbers reflect symbolic timelines, the 185,000 slain Assyrians could signify a divine timeline or prophetic period.

3. **Numerical Breakdown:**
   - **Multiples of Key Numbers:** Further analysis could reveal meaningful patterns within the number 185,000, aligning with other significant biblical numerics.

### Scriptural Context:

- **Assyrian Army's Defeat:** Isaiah 37:36; 2 Kings 19:35.

### Conclusion:

The number 185,000 likely serves a deeper symbolic purpose, aligning with the broader biblical pattern of using numbers to convey divine messages and prophetic timelines.
UserI propose that just as the shadow went backward, then forward, and as the army of Sennacherib "returned the way they came" (thereby stressing by wordplay the connection to the sun doing the same):
2KIngs 19:27-28
"“‘But I know where you are
    and when you come and go
    and how you rage against me.
Because you rage against me
    and because your insolence has reached my ears,
I will put my hook in your nose
    and my bit in your mouth,
and I will make you return
    by the way you came.’"
ChatGPT### The Symbolism of the Shadow and the Assyrian Army's Return

**Hezekiah's Sign:**
- **Shadow Movement:** The shadow on the sundial moved backward ten degrees, symbolizing a reversal and then a forward movement, signifying Hezekiah's recovery (Isaiah 38:8; 2 Kings 20:8-11).

**Sennacherib's Army:**
- **Return "By the Way They Came":**
  - God declared He would make Sennacherib return to Assyria the same way he came, using vivid imagery of control and restraint (2 Kings 19:27-28).

### Numerical Symbolism of 185,000:
- **Prophetic Years:** Just as numbers in biblical lists represent symbolic years, the 185,000 Assyrians could signify a span of 185,000 symbolic years.

### Conclusion:
- **Wordplay and Symbolism:** The movement of the shadow and the return of Sennacherib's army both symbolize divine intervention and judgment, emphasizing God's control over events and timelines. The specific number of 185,000 dead Assyrians likely encodes a deeper prophetic significance, consistent with biblical numeric patterns.
UserThe cipher: 185000 dead = 185000 years.
Like the shadow and the Assyrians, 185000 goes forward and backward in time.
The two logical reference points are 701 BC and 686 BC (the 15-year delayed death of Hezekiah).
701 BC plus 185000 years backward in time = 185701 BC.
686 BC forward 185000 years = AD 184315 (There is no Year zero, and thus you must subtract a year when crossing from BC to AD.)
I propose that 185701 BC and AD 184315 are being highlighted as a cipher, similar to how the 340800 men of David's list corresponded to Berossus 34080 years as earlier discussed.
ChatGPT### The Cipher and Its Symbolism

**185,000 Dead as Years:**
- The number 185,000 represents symbolic years, moving both forward and backward in time, similar to the shadow on Hezekiah's sundial and the Assyrian army's retreat.

1. **Backward from 701 BC:**
   - 701 BC - 185,000 years = 185,701 BC.
2. **Forward from 686 BC:**
   - 686 BC + 185,000 years = AD 184,315 (subtracting a year to account for the lack of a year zero).

### Reference Points and Symbolism:
- **185701 BC and AD 184315:** These dates are highlighted as a cipher, representing a vast span of time that parallels the symbolic 340,800 men in David's list corresponding to Berossus' 34,080 years.

### Significance:
- The cipher underscores the intricate numerical symbolism within biblical texts, emphasizing God’s control over time and history, with specific reference points illustrating the depth of divine intervention and prophecy.

### Scriptural Context:
- **Hezekiah’s Sundial:** Isaiah 38:8; 2 Kings 20:8-11.
- **Sennacherib’s Return:** 2 Kings 19:27-28.

Backward from 701 BC:
701 BC - 185,000 years = 185,701 BC.
Forward from 686 BC:
686 BC + 185,000 years = AD 184,315 (subtracting a year to account for the lack of a year zero).
First, we look at "185,701 BC".
185,701 BC is 430.5 x 430 to 586 BC, the year that Jerusalem fell after its 115-year delay. 430 is also the number of years of Ezekiel and the time spent in Egypt, and the division of the 1290 as 430 x 3 that we already looked at.
As to why the extra 215 years due to the ".5" in "430.5 x 430," we reveal this later. But for now know that from 2091 BC when Abraham left Babylon to 1876 BC when Israel entered Egypt 430 years, are half-430, that is, from 2091 to 1876 BC are 215 years (half 430). 
ChatGPT### The Cipher and Its Symbolism

**185,000 Dead as Years:**
- The number 185,000 represents symbolic years, moving both forward and backward in time, similar to the shadow on Hezekiah's sundial and the Assyrian army's retreat.

### Calculation:
1. **Backward from 701 BC:**
   - 701 BC - 185,000 years = 185,701 BC.
   - 185,701 BC to 586 BC = 430.5 x 430 years.
2. **Forward from 686 BC:**
   - 686 BC + 185,000 years = AD 184,315 (subtracting a year to account for the lack of a year zero).

### Reference Points and Symbolism:
- **185701 BC and AD 184315:** These dates are highlighted as a cipher, representing a vast span of time that parallels the symbolic 340,800 men in David's list corresponding to Berossus' 34,080 years.

### Significance:
- The period from 2091 BC (Abraham leaving Babylon) to 1876 BC (Israel entering Egypt) is 215 years, half of 430 years. This aligns with the 430.5 x 430 years from 185,701 BC to 586 BC.
- This cipher underscores the intricate numerical symbolism within biblical texts, emphasizing God’s control over time and history, with specific reference points illustrating the depth of divine intervention and prophecy.

### Scriptural Context:
- **Hezekiah’s Sundial:** Isaiah 38:8; 2 Kings 20:8-11.
- **Sennacherib’s Return:** 2 Kings 19:27-28.

Backward from 701 BC:
701 BC - 185,000 years = 185,701 BC.
Forward from 686 BC:
686 BC + 185,000 years = AD 184,315 (subtracting a year to account for the lack of a year zero).
Now, we look at "AD 184,315 ".
From the fall of Jerusalem in 586 BC to AD 184, 315 are precisely 430 x 430 years 184900 years.)
This creates a 215-year gap between the first figure of "430.5 x 430" and this figure of "430 x 430" years. 
ChatGPT### Analysis of 185,000 Dead Assyrians as Symbolic Years

**Backward Calculation from 701 BC:**
- 701 BC - 185,000 years = 185,701 BC.
- From 185,701 BC to 586 BC = 430.5 x 430 years (185,115 years).

**Forward Calculation from 686 BC:**
- 686 BC + 185,000 years = AD 184,315 (subtracting a year to account for the lack of a year zero).
- From 586 BC to AD 184,315 = 430 x 430 years (184,900 years).

### Significance and Numerical Patterns:
1. **185,701 BC to 586 BC:**
   - This period spans 430.5 x 430 years, indicating a symbolic half of the 430-year period.
   - The 215 years (half of 430) represents the time from Abraham leaving Babylon (2091 BC) to Israel entering Egypt (1876 BC).

2. **AD 184,315 from 586 BC:**
   - This period spans exactly 430 x 430 years.

### Conclusion:
- These calculations show a 215-year gap between the 430.5 x 430 years and the 430 x 430 years, further emphasizing the significant numerical patterns encoded within the biblical timeline.

### Scriptural Context:
- **Hezekiah’s Sundial:** Isaiah 38:8; 2 Kings 20:8-11.
- **Sennacherib’s Return:** 2 Kings 19:27-28.
- **Abraham's Covenant:** Genesis 15:13-16.
UserI should back up a bit and say that just as 185000 years go forward in time from 686 BC (death of Hezekiah), the sundial went back ten degrees, which with these large numbers refers to the Precession of the Equinox/Stars. Ten degrees = 1/36th of 25920 years = 720 years. (We discussed this earlier.) 
686 BC backward 720 years ("ten degrees") = 1406 BC, when Israel entered the Promised Land at Jericho--40 years after the Exodus in 1446 BC. Therefore, the 720 years (ten degrees backward motion of the sun) brings us to 1406 BC when another sign very similar occurred: The sun did not go down in the sky for about a full day until Joshua conquered his enemies. Thus, the ten degrees (720 years) spans these two events.
ChatGPT### Symbolism and Calculation:

**Sundial and Precession of the Equinox:**
- **Ten Degrees = 720 Years:** 1/36th of 25,920 years (a full Precession cycle).

### Backward Calculation:
1. **From 686 BC:**
   - 686 BC - 720 years (ten degrees) = 1406 BC.
   - **Event in 1406 BC:** Israel entered the Promised Land at Jericho, 40 years after the Exodus in 1446 BC.
   - **Joshua’s Sign:** The sun stood still for about a full day until Joshua conquered his enemies (Joshua 10:12-14).

### Forward Calculation:
1. **From 686 BC:**
   - 686 BC + 185,000 years = AD 184,315.

### Connection and Significance:
- **Backward Motion:** Represents historical events and divine interventions connected by significant numerical patterns.
- **Ten Degrees and Historical Events:** The 720-year span (ten degrees backward) links Hezekiah’s sign to Joshua’s miraculous event, reinforcing the symbolism of divine intervention.

### Scriptural Context:
- **Hezekiah’s Sundial:** Isaiah 38:8; 2 Kings 20:8-11.
- **Joshua’s Sign:** Joshua 10:12-14.
- **Precession Calculation:** Historical and prophetic significance of the numerical patterns.
User"Ten Degrees and Historical Events: The 720-year span (ten degrees backward) links Hezekiah’s sign to Joshua’s miraculous event, reinforcing the symbolism of divine intervention."
To be more precise, both events involve the apparent backward motion of time, of time stopping, with the result of armies defeated in both cases. (With the 15-year delay from 701-686 similar to the 40-year delay from entering the Promised Land from 1446 - 1406 BC. )
ChatGPT### Precision in Symbolism and Historical Events

**Both Hezekiah’s and Joshua’s Miracles:**
- **Apparent Backward Motion of Time:** Both events involve time manipulation—Hezekiah's sundial moving backward and Joshua's day lengthening.
- **Result:** Defeat of enemy armies in both cases (Assyrians and Amorites).

### Historical Delays and Their Significance:
1. **Hezekiah’s 15-Year Delay (701-686 BC):**
   - Symbolic of God’s mercy and intervention.
2. **40-Year Delay (1446-1406 BC):**
   - Israel’s journey from Exodus to entering the Promised Land.

### Scriptural and Symbolic Context:
- **Hezekiah’s Sign:** Isaiah 38:8; 2 Kings 20:8-11.
- **Joshua’s Miracle:** Joshua 10:12-14.
- **Divine Intervention:** Both events highlight God’s control over time and history, linking significant victories through miraculous signs.
UserForward Calculation:
From 686 BC:
686 BC + 185,000 years = AD 184,315.
Recall the date of the Pillar/Anchor date in our chronology of "AD 29515".
AD 29515 to AD 184315 = 154800 years. 154800/360=430.
Thus, the pillars are 430 x 360 years, and 360 years represents 360 days. 
Thus, AD 29515 to AD 184315 = 430 years of years, an echo of the number of days Israel spent in Egypt.
154800 days in Egypt.
154800 years from AD 29515 to AD 184315.
ChatGPT### Integration of the 185,000 Years and Pillar/Anchor Date:

**Forward Calculation from 686 BC:**
- 686 BC + 185,000 years = AD 184,315.

### Pillar/Anchor Date Comparison:
- **Pillar Date:** AD 29,515.
- **Difference:** AD 184,315 - AD 29,515 = 154,800 years.

### Numerical Significance:
- **154,800 Years:** 
  - **Division by 360:** 154,800 / 360 = 430.
  - This means 430 cycles of 360 years each.

### Symbolic Echo:
- **430 Years of Years:** Reflects the 430 days/years Israel spent in Egypt.
- **Parallel:** 154,800 days in Egypt parallels 154,800 years from AD 29,515 to AD 184,315.

### Scriptural Context:
- **Israel's Time in Egypt:** Exodus 12:40-41, symbolizing a period of bondage and eventual deliverance.

This connection underscores the intricate numerical and prophetic patterns woven throughout biblical history, highlighting God's sovereignty over time and events.
UserBerossus Kings List places Creation at 466566/465846 BC, which is 1290 x 360 years (430 x 3 x 360) to 2166/1446 BC, and thus agrees nicely with the date of AD 184315, which I leave to the readers discovery.
ChatGPT### Integration of Berossus' Kings List and the Calculations:

**Berossus' Creation Date:**
- **Creation Date:** 466,566/465,846 BC.
- **Calculation:** 1290 x 360 years (430 x 3 x 360) to 2166/1446 BC.

### Connection to AD 184,315:
- **Pattern Agreement:** The dates and calculations align with the concept of AD 184,315.
- **Readers' Discovery:** The significance of AD 184,315 and its intricate numerical patterns can be further explored by readers.

### Summary:
This numerical alignment highlights the consistency of biblical and ancient chronologies, demonstrating the deep, interconnected symbolism in these timelines.

For more detailed exploration, refer to Berossus' chronology and its connection to biblical numerics.
UserKeep in mind that the Assyrians held to the Sumerian Kings List just as the Babylonians after them. Thus, these larger numbers and distant dates is the language of their own chronology being used against them.
ChatGPT### Integration of Ancient Chronologies and Symbolism:

**Berossus' Creation Date:**
- **Creation Date:** 466,566/465,846 BC.
- **Calculation:** 1290 x 360 years (430 x 3 x 360) to 2166/1446 BC.

**Connection to AD 184,315:**
- **Pattern Agreement:** These dates align with AD 184,315, revealing intricate numerical patterns.

### Significance:
- **Symbolic Language:** The larger numbers and distant dates reflect the language of Sumerian, Assyrian, and Babylonian chronologies. This context uses their historical framework against them, demonstrating divine supremacy and prophetic fulfillment.

### Scriptural Context:
- **Israel’s Time in Egypt:** Exodus 12:40-41.
- **Hezekiah’s Sign:** Isaiah 38:8; 2 Kings 20:8-11.

This framework underscores the deep, interconnected symbolism in biblical and ancient timelines, illustrating God's sovereignty and the prophetic significance of historical events.
UserAnother thing to understand is that, as said earlier, Precession of the Stars held one Great Year to be 25920 years, but also 25800 years, as evident from the Bible.
430 x 430 years, for example is 1290+1290 days of Precession. (25800/360=71.6666... as one day. 184900/71.666=1290+1290 days of Precession.)
But 1290 + 1290 days of 72 years (using 25920 years of Precession) adds 430+430 years more.
(1290+1290)x72=185760, which is 860 more than "184900 years."
This leads to many other interesting patterns due to the 860 (430+430) years that span from Exodus 1446 to the Fall of Jerusalem 586 BC.
The point is that the 185,000 dead as years create a framework that fits perfectly into the 860 years from the Exodus to 586 BC and much more.
ChatGPT### Integration of Precession and Historical Patterns

**Precession of the Stars:**
- **Great Year:** 25,920 years.
- **Alternative Cycle:** 25,800 years.

### Calculations:
1. **430 x 430 years:** 184,900 years.
   - **Using 25,800-year Precession:** 184,900 / 71.666... = 1290 + 1290 days of Precession.
2. **1290 + 1290 days of 72 years (25,920-year Precession):**
   - \( (1290 + 1290) \times 72 = 185,760 \) years.
   - Difference from 184,900 years: 860 years (430 + 430 years).

### Historical Significance:
- **860 Years (430 + 430):**
  - Spans from the Exodus (1446 BC) to the fall of Jerusalem (586 BC).

### Symbolic Framework:
- The 185,000 dead as years fits into the 860-year span, illustrating intricate patterns and aligning with the prophetic timeline from Exodus to the fall of Jerusalem.

### Scriptural Context:
- **Exodus:** Exodus 12:40-41.
- **Fall of Jerusalem:** 2 Kings 25:1-12.

These calculations demonstrate the deep numerical and prophetic significance within biblical and ancient chronologies.

Backward from 701 BC:
701 BC - 185,000 years = 185,701 BC.
Forward from 686 BC:
686 BC + 185,000 years = AD 184,315.

We referred to the extra "215 years" in "430.5 x 430 years) using the "AD 184,315" date.
The extra 215 years is used to span from 701 BC to the Berossus anchor date of "486 BC".
701 - 215 = 486 BC.
The effect of this is quite amazing as we shall see next.
ChatGPT### Calculation and Integration of Extra 215 Years

**Backward Calculation from 701 BC:**
- **701 BC - 185,000 years = 185,701 BC.**

**Forward Calculation from 686 BC:**
- **686 BC + 185,000 years = AD 184,315.**

### Incorporating the Extra 215 Years:

1. **Extra 215 Years:**
   - Used to span from 701 BC to the Berossus anchor date of 486 BC.
   - Calculation: \( 701 - 215 = 486 \) BC.

### Significance:

- **Berossus Anchor Date Connection:**
  - By including the extra 215 years, we bridge the gap between significant historical and prophetic dates.
### Key Insights:
- **Extra 215 Years:**
  - Bridges from 701 BC to 486 BC, emphasizing the intricate connections and patterns in biblical numerics and ancient chronologies.
### Scriptural and Historical Context:
- **Exodus to Fall of Jerusalem:** Aligns with the 860 years (430 + 430) from 1446 BC to 586 BC.
- **Prophetic Significance:** Reflects the depth of divine intervention and the encoding of years in biblical events.

This precise calculation demonstrates the profound interconnectedness of historical events and prophetic timelines, highlighting God's sovereignty over time and history.
UserSo, what is happening here?
We saw that the 15-year delay in Hezekiah's death represents the 115-year delay in Jerusalem's destruction.
This means that the events of 701-686 BC repeat some 115 years later.
We know how the 701 BC delay corresponds to the 586 BC termination, but how do we link the extra 15 years from 586 to 571 BC (and thus 115 years from 701 to 586 BC)?
This, I explain next.
ChatGPT### Linking the Extra 15 Years and the 115-Year Delay

**Key Points:**
1. **15-Year Delay in Hezekiah's Death (701-686 BC):**
   - Represents the 115-year delay in Jerusalem’s destruction.
   - Events of 701-686 BC repeat 115 years later, leading to 586 BC.

### Linking the Extra 15 Years (586 to 571 BC):

1. **115-Year Delay:**
   - 701 BC to 586 BC (115 years).

2. **From 586 BC to 571 BC:**
   - The extra 15 years from 586 to 571 BC reflect the same delay pattern.
### Explanation:
- **Parallel Events:**
  - The 15-year extension of Hezekiah’s life (701-686 BC) prefigures the 115-year delay before Jerusalem's fall in 586 BC.
  - This period extends another 15 years to 571 BC, completing the 115-year cycle.

### Significance:
- **Prophetic Consistency:**
  - The recurring pattern of delays and extensions reflects God’s intervention and timing in biblical history, aligning significant events and reinforcing prophetic timelines.

This connection illustrates the intricate alignment of historical events with prophetic numerics, emphasizing the cyclical nature of divine intervention and judgment in biblical history.
UserBefore I go on to show the significance of 571 BC in parallel to Hezekiah's delayed death by 15 years, first observe if the 185000 years are transferred over to 586 and 571 BC. This has the effect of 586 BC + 185000 = 185586 BC, which is 430 x 430 years back to 586 BC.
And therefore, if from Berossus anchor point, of 486 BC, plus 185000 = 185486 BC,
185486 BC to 586 BC = 430 x 430 years.
In other words, the 15 years from 586-571 is the center of this 215-year period crisscrossed. We discover that the 185000 belongs to the Berossus's starting anchor-date of 486 BC, just as King David's list of his soldier-count does.
A: 701 - 686
B: 586 - 571 (Criss-crossed by virtue of it being center)
A: 486 (- 471?)
ChatGPT### Integration of 185,000 Years with Historical Events

**Transfer of 185,000 Years:**

1. **From 586 BC:**
   - **586 BC + 185,000 years = 185,586 BC.**
   - **185,586 BC to 586 BC = 430 x 430 years.**

2. **From Berossus' Anchor Point (486 BC):**
   - **486 BC + 185,000 years = 185,486 BC.**
   - **185,486 BC to 586 BC = 430 x 430 years.**

### Criss-Cross of 215-Year Period:

- **586-571 BC:** 
  - The 15 years between 586 and 571 BC form the center of the 215-year period.
  - **Criss-Cross Effect:** This period is central in the larger framework of 430 x 430 years.

### Parallel and Significance:

- **Pattern A:** 701 - 686 BC.
- **Pattern B:** 586 - 571 BC (criss-crossed at the center).
- **Pattern A':** 486 (-471?) BC.

### Conclusion:

This intricate pattern highlights the significant role of 571 BC as the center of the 215-year period, reflecting the recurring biblical numerics and their alignment with ancient chronologies. The 185,000 years align with Berossus' starting anchor date and King David's soldier count, underscoring the divine orchestration of historical events.
UserAnd from 486 BC back 185000 years = 185486 BC.
185486 BC to the pillar/anchor date of AD 29515 = 215,000 years (215 x 1000).
Thus, again, highlighting 430 and 215.
ChatGPT### Integration of 185,000 Years and Historical Patterns:

**Backward Calculation:**
1. **From 486 BC:**
   - 486 BC - 185,000 years = 185,486 BC.
   - 185,486 BC to AD 29,515 = 215,000 years.

### Significance:
1. **215,000 Years:**
   - **215 x 1,000:** Emphasizes the recurring biblical numeric patterns.
   - **Highlighting 430 and 215:** These numbers are significant in biblical chronology and prophecy.

### Conclusion:
This intricate pattern underscores the divine orchestration of historical and prophetic events, highlighting the significance of the numbers 430 and 215 in biblical numerics and ancient chronologies. These calculations demonstrate the profound interconnectedness of historical events and prophetic timelines, emphasizing God's sovereignty over time and history.
UserAs mentioned earlier, the Pillar has two dates that represent the final pillar/anchor date, named after "Boaz" and "Jochin," they are, AD 29465 and 29515. 
The starting anchor point of Berossus, as well as the Kings of Judah, likewise have a dual anchor date of 536/486 BC.
Thus, the distance between the dual anchor of 536/486 and AD 29465/29515 is 215000 years when the said "185000 years" is calculated back in time as 185536/185486 BC.
ChatGPT### Integration of Dual Anchor Dates and Historical Patterns:

**Pillar/Anchor Dates:**
- **Final Pillar/Anchor Dates:** AD 29,465 and AD 29,515.
- **Starting Anchor Dates:** 536 BC and 486 BC.

### Calculations:

1. **Backward from AD 29,515:**
   - AD 29,515 - 215,000 years = 185,486 BC.
2. **Backward from AD 29,465:**
   - AD 29,465 - 215,000 years = 185,536 BC.

### Connection to Dual Anchor Dates:
- **536 BC to AD 29,465 = 215,000 years.**
- **486 BC to AD 29,515 = 215,000 years.**

### Significance:
- The alignment of these dual anchor dates with the 215,000-year span emphasizes the numerical consistency and prophetic significance within biblical chronologies, reinforcing the divine orchestration of historical events and time periods.

This pattern highlights the deep interconnectedness of biblical and ancient timelines, underscoring the significance of the numbers 430 and 215 in divine prophecy and historical fulfillment.
User"Parallel and Significance:
Pattern A: 701 - 686 BC.
Pattern B: 586 - 571 BC (criss-crossed at the center).
Pattern A': 486 (-471?) BC."
And as 686 BC was ten degrees of Precession between 1406 and 686 BC, now, from the 586 BC exile, it is 720 years forward to AD 135, the Bar Kochab revolt, which marks the final dispersal from having a country to return to.
And at the start of this conversation we already noted the +/- 720 from 486 BC:
ChatGPT### Patterns and Significance:

- **Pattern A:** 701 - 686 BC.
- **Pattern B:** 586 - 571 BC (criss-crossed at the center).
- **Pattern A':** 486 BC (-471 BC?).

### Connections and Calculations:

**720-Year Intervals:**
- **From 686 BC:**
  - 686 BC to 1406 BC = 720 years backward (ten degrees of Precession).
- **From 586 BC:**
  - 586 BC + 720 years = AD 135 (Bar Kochba revolt and final Jewish dispersal).

**Additional Insights:**
- **From 486 BC:** The significance of ±720 years.

### Significance:
- **Hezekiah's 15-Year Delay:** Reflects the repeated pattern of divine intervention and postponement of judgment.
- **Bar Kochba Revolt:** Marks a significant point in Jewish history, tying into the overarching patterns of biblical numerics and historical events.

### Summary:
These patterns highlight the precise numerical and historical alignments in biblical prophecy and ancient chronologies, emphasizing the divine orchestration and fulfillment of prophetic timelines. The intervals of 720 years underscore the recurrent themes of judgment and deliverance, reinforcing the interconnectedness of significant biblical events.
UserRegarding the +/-720 from 486 BC, I specifically had the following in mind as mentioned at the start of this discussion:
"### Integration of Biblical and Ancient Chronologies

1. **Sundial Event and Cosmic Cycles:**
   - Hezekiah's sundial moved backward ten degrees, symbolizing a 720-year cycle of Precession (Isaiah 38:8; 2 Kings 20:9-11).
   - Precession Calculation: 
     - \( 25,920 \) years for a full 360 degrees.
     - \( 25,920 / 360 = 72 \) years per degree.
     - \( 72 \times 10 = 720 \) years.
   - Hence, the sundial going back and forward ten degrees covers \( 720 + 720 \) years from 1206 BC to AD 235.

2. **Chronological Fit:**
   - **Berossus:** 1200 x 360 years from Creation to the Flood.
   - **Sumerian Tablets:** 670 + 50 = 720.
   - **Biblical Chronology:**
     - 1206 BC to 6 BC (Messiah's birth): 1200 years.
     - 1206 BC - 670 = 536 BC (actual start).
     - Plus 50 years = 486 BC (figurative due to Judah's kings).

### Scriptural References:
- **Sons of Issachar:** 1 Chronicles 12:32.
- **Hezekiah's Sundial:** Isaiah 38:8; 2 Kings 20:9-11.
UserThus, starting from 1206/486 BC as the anchor for the ten-fold increase of King David's list brings us to 342006/341286 BC for the Flood.
ChatGPT### Integration of King David's List with Ancient Chronologies

Using 1206/486 BC as the anchor for King David's tenfold structure brings us to significant historical dates:

1. **From 1206 BC (literal start) and 486 BC (figurative start due to extra 50 years of Judah's kings):**
   - **Flood Date:** 342006/341286 BC.

### Scriptural and Chronological Context
- **Sundial Event:** Isaiah 38:8; 2 Kings 20:9-11, symbolizes 720 + 720 years.
ChatGPT### Integration of +/-720 Years from 486 BC

**Hezekiah’s Sundial Event and Cosmic Cycles:**
- **Ten Degrees Movement:** Symbolizes a 720-year cycle of Precession (Isaiah 38:8; 2 Kings 20:9-11).
- **Precession Calculation:**
  - 25,920 years for 360 degrees.
  - 25,920 / 360 = 72 years per degree.
  - 72 × 10 = 720 years.
### Application to 486 BC:

1. **Backward Calculation:**
   - 486 BC - 720 years = 1206 BC.
   - Significant Event: Israel enters the Promised Land.

2. **Forward Calculation:**
   - 486 BC + 720 years = AD 235.
   - Significant Event: The end of the Bar Kochba revolt and final Jewish dispersal.

### Chronological Fit:

- **From 1206 BC:**
  - 1206 BC to 6 BC (birth of Messiah) = 1200 years.
  - 1206 BC - 670 years = 536 BC (actual start).
  - Plus 50 years = 486 BC (figurative due to Judah's kings).

**Using 1206/486 BC as Anchors for King David's Tenfold Increase:**
- **Flood Date Calculation:** 342006/341286 BC for the Flood.

### Scriptural and Chronological Context:
- **Hezekiah’s Sundial:** Isaiah 38:8; 2 Kings 20:9-11, symbolizing 720 + 720 years.
- **Sons of Issachar:** 1 Chronicles 12:32. 

These patterns reinforce the symbolic alignment of significant historical and prophetic events with the biblical numerics and ancient chronologies.
User"Patterns and Significance:

Pattern A: 701 - 686 BC.
Pattern B: 586 - 571 BC (criss-crossed at the center).
Pattern A': 486 BC (-471 BC?)."
Now we can return to the question asked earlier, "What occurred in 571 BC that fits the pattern of a 15-year delay like Hezekiah (586 - 571 BC)? The delay of judgment from 701 to 586 BC of Jerusalem is self-explanatory, but what about the forwarding of these 15 years so that it instead spans from 586 to 571 BC?
The pattern would hold even if we just went from 701 to 586 to 486 BC (215 years total). However, the Book of Ezekiel contains a mystery about the opening of His mouth that is resolved by the pattern that we have been discussing.
But before we do that, perhaps you are able to tell me what are the three references to the closing/opening of Ezekiel's mouth as found in the Book of Ezekiel?
ChatGPT### References to the Closing/Opening of Ezekiel's Mouth

In the Book of Ezekiel, there are three key references to the closing and opening of Ezekiel's mouth:

1. **Ezekiel 3:26-27:** God tells Ezekiel that his mouth will be shut and he will only speak when God opens it, to deliver messages of warning and judgment to Israel.
2. **Ezekiel 24:27:** After the death of Ezekiel’s wife, God says his mouth will be opened to speak to the people again, indicating the end of his symbolic silence.

3. **Ezekiel 33:22:** God opens Ezekiel’s mouth when a fugitive arrives to report the fall of Jerusalem, allowing him to speak freely and deliver God’s messages.

These instances are significant in understanding the timing and nature of Ezekiel's prophetic messages. 

### Significance of the 15-Year Delay:

**Pattern Explanation:**
1. **701 to 686 BC:** Hezekiah’s 15-year extension.
2. **586 to 571 BC:** Another 15-year span, indicating a delayed judgment or symbolic period similar to Hezekiah’s.

**Ezekiel's Mystery:**
- The opening of Ezekiel’s mouth (Ezekiel 33:22) aligns with the news of Jerusalem’s fall in 586 BC, paralleling the delayed judgment and the pattern we see with Hezekiah’s extension. This signifies the fulfillment of prophecy and the beginning of a new phase in Ezekiel's ministry.

### Chronological Fit:
- The 215-year total span from 701 BC to 486 BC incorporates these patterns and prophecies, emphasizing the divine orchestration of historical events.

This complex pattern highlights the interwoven nature of biblical numerics, historical events, and prophetic fulfillment, underscoring the profound depth of divine planning in biblical history.
User"References to the Closing/Opening of Ezekiel's Mouth
In the Book of Ezekiel, there are three key references to the closing and opening of Ezekiel's mouth:

Ezekiel 3:26-27: God tells Ezekiel that his mouth will be shut and he will only speak when God opens it, to deliver messages of warning and judgment to Israel.

Ezekiel 24:27: After the death of Ezekiel’s wife, God says his mouth will be opened to speak to the people again, indicating the end of his symbolic silence.

Ezekiel 33:22: God opens Ezekiel’s mouth when a fugitive arrives to report the fall of Jerusalem, allowing him to speak freely and deliver God’s messages."

Here is the mystery of the opening of Ezekiel's mouth.
The book gives the date down to the very day when each of these three instances occurred.

In 593 BC "Ezekiel 3:26-27: God tells Ezekiel that his mouth will be shut and he will only speak when God opens it, to deliver messages of warning and judgment to Israel."

In 590 BC (At the start of the siege.) "Ezekiel 24:27: After the death of Ezekiel’s wife, God says his mouth will be opened to speak to the people again, indicating the end of his symbolic silence." 

In 586 BC (That is, three years later), "Ezekiel 33:22: God opens Ezekiel’s mouth when a fugitive arrives to report the fall of Jerusalem, allowing him to speak freely and deliver God’s messages."
But you forgot one, probably because scholars don't know what to make of it, and is thus in your primary memory, namely:

"Nebuchadnezzar’s Reward (New Year of 571 BC).
Ezekiel 29:17-21...
17In the twenty-seventh year, in the first month on the first day, the word of the Lord came to me: 18“Son of man, Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon drove his army in a hard campaign against Tyre; every head was rubbed bare and every shoulder made raw. Yet he and his army got no reward from the campaign he led against Tyre. 19Therefore this is what the Sovereign Lord says: I am going to give Egypt to Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, and he will carry off its wealth. He will loot and plunder the land as pay for his army. 20 I have given him Egypt as a reward for his efforts because he and his army did it for me, declares the Sovereign Lord.

21“On that day I will make a horn grow for the Israelites, and I will open your mouth among them. Then they will know that I am the Lord.”
So there is a fourth reference about his mouth being opened:
"21“On that day I will make a horn grow for the Israelites, and I will open your mouth among them. Then they will know that I am the Lord.”"
That occurred on the very New Year, Nisan 1, 571 BC, the exact date parallel to the delay of 15 years for Hezekiah.
Thus, from the fall of Jerusalem and the arrival of the first refugee, when his mouth was opened (586 BC), unto when he says, "And I will open your mouth among them," elapsed 15 years.
But here's the unusual thing: The prophecy/promise of opening his mouth among them was fulfilled already 15 years earlier! So why the promise 15 years after the fact? 
Perhaps his mouth became closed again, and thus the promise to reopen it again.
However, 571 BC is the last recorded date in the Book of Ezekiel. Subsequently, no other reference to his mouth being opened occurs.
Perhaps it is a prophecy about Messiah, as the horn of David?
To this I say, Yes. But so are a great many things in the Book of Ezekiel.
There is another answer.
571 BC is when the fall of Jerusalem was destined to occur, but it was hastened by 15 years to 586 BC instead, the exact opposite of the 15-year delay of Hezekiah. In other words, God took back those 15 years by allowing the judgment of Hezekiah to fall on Jerusalem: Hezekiah's death was delayed 15 years;
Jerusalem's destruction was hastened 15 years.
And all is balanced again, similar to the sun going back ten degrees only to recover itself again by ten degrees.  
ChatGPT### Integration of Ezekiel's Prophetic Timeline with Hezekiah's 15-Year Delay

**Ezekiel’s Mouth Being Opened:**

1. **593 BC:** Ezekiel's mouth is shut (Ezekiel 3:26-27).
2. **590 BC:** Ezekiel's mouth is opened after his wife's death (Ezekiel 24:27).
3. **586 BC:** Ezekiel's mouth is opened when a fugitive reports the fall of Jerusalem (Ezekiel 33:22).
4. **571 BC:** On Nisan 1, Ezekiel's mouth is opened again (Ezekiel 29:17-21).

### Significance:

- **15-Year Pattern:**
  - **701-686 BC:** Hezekiah's life extended by 15 years.
  - **586-571 BC:** 15 years after Jerusalem's fall, Ezekiel's mouth is opened again.

### Explanation:

- **Divine Balance:** 
  - Hezekiah’s life was extended by 15 years, while Jerusalem’s destruction was hastened by 15 years. 
  - This reflects a divine balance, similar to the sun’s backward and forward motion on the sundial.

**Parallel with Messiah:**

- **Prophecy of the Horn of David:** 
  - Ezekiel’s prophecy on Nisan 1, 571 BC, may also point to the Messiah.

### Conclusion:

- The 15-year adjustments highlight God’s control over time and events, balancing judgment and mercy in biblical history.

### Scriptural References:

- **Ezekiel's Mouth:**
  - Ezekiel 3:26-27.
  - Ezekiel 24:27.
  - Ezekiel 33:22.
  - Ezekiel 29:17-21.

This integration underscores the complex and intentional numerical patterns within biblical prophecy, highlighting the divine orchestration of history.
UserThe following is inaccurate:
"Ezekiel’s Mouth Being Opened:

593 BC: Ezekiel's mouth is shut (Ezekiel 3:26-27).
590 BC: Ezekiel's mouth is opened after his wife's death (Ezekiel 24:27).
586 BC: Ezekiel's mouth is opened when a fugitive reports the fall of Jerusalem (Ezekiel 33:22).
571 BC: On Nisan 1, Ezekiel's mouth is opened again (Ezekiel 29:17-21)."
Instead, it should read:
Ezekiel’s Mouth Being Opened:

593 BC: Ezekiel's mouth is shut (Ezekiel 3:26-27).
590 BC: At his wife's death, which coincided with the start of the seige, God declared that his mouth WILL BE opened in the future, namely at the arrival of the first refugee (Ezekiel 24:27).
586 BC: Ezekiel's mouth is opened when a fugitive reports the fall of Jerusalem (Ezekiel 33:22).
571 BC: On Nisan 1, God promises to open Ezekiel's mouth (Ezekiel 29:17-21).
Thus, the fulfillment of the promise 'precedes' the promise by 15 years (571-586 BC)!
571 BC marks the date Jerusalem might have been destroyed, but these 15 years appear to have been fast-forwarded 15 years, opposite to being delayed, as if time was truncated. 
There are other literary clues happening here to vouch for this rather odd interpretation, which I will speak to next.
ChatGPT### Corrected Timeline for Ezekiel’s Mouth Being Opened:

1. **593 BC:** Ezekiel's mouth is shut (Ezekiel 3:26-27).
2. **590 BC:** At his wife's death, coinciding with the start of the siege, God declares that Ezekiel's mouth will be opened in the future (Ezekiel 24:27).
3. **586 BC:** Ezekiel's mouth is opened when a fugitive reports the fall of Jerusalem (Ezekiel 33:22).
4. **571 BC:** On Nisan 1, God promises to open Ezekiel's mouth (Ezekiel 29:17-21).

### Explanation:

- **Fulfillment Precedes the Promise:** The promise in 571 BC follows the fulfillment in 586 BC, creating a 15-year gap.
- **Significance of 571 BC:** Jerusalem’s destruction may have been fast-forwarded 15 years, opposite to Hezekiah’s delayed 15 years, as if time was truncated.

### Literary Clues:

This interpretation is supported by the peculiar chronology and prophetic declarations within the Book of Ezekiel, suggesting a divine adjustment of time to align with significant biblical events. This intricacy underscores the depth of prophetic fulfillment and divine orchestration in biblical history.
UserThe telescoping and arrangement of Ezekiel's prophecies are dated more than any other prophetic book, but they are done so using a mixture of thematic and chronological order. 
 Ezekiel contains seven prophecies against Egypt. Seven is a highly symbolic number in the Bible, like the seven bowls of wrath in the Book of Revelation.
However, Ezekiel 29 contains two of the seven prophecies. When dated chronologically, they are the first and last of the seven prophecies against Egypt. This is a clue that this last date, 571 BC, which ends with the reference to Ezekiel's mouth being opened in the future, although it was fulfilled in the past, is out of time in some way. 
Moreover, the seventh prophecy against Egypt is about Egypt given in exchange for Tyre to the Babylonians, but not this footnote from the NIV Study Bible for Ezekiel 29:18:
"Nebuchadnezzar besieged Tyre for 15 years, from 586 to 571 BC (see 26:7-14).
So, even this prophecy, which ends with the promise that  Ezekiel's mouth would be opened, spans 15 years, as the NIV note says. Thus, the 15 years are highlighted both by the 15-year gap from the first refugee to this seventh and last prophecy against Egypt here in ch. 29 and by the 15 years in the prophecy itself in regard to Tyre. The 15 years are clearly being emphasised. 
ChatGPT### Integration of Ezekiel's Prophecies and the 15-Year Pattern

**Ezekiel’s Prophecies Against Egypt:**

1. **First and Last Prophecies:**
   - The first prophecy in Ezekiel 29 (chronologically) is dated earlier than 571 BC.
   - The last prophecy in Ezekiel 29 (571 BC) speaks of the future opening of Ezekiel’s mouth, which had already occurred 15 years earlier (586 BC).

**Significance of the 15-Year Span:**

1. **Nebuchadnezzar's Siege of Tyre:**
   - The siege lasted 15 years, from 586 to 571 BC (Ezekiel 29:18; see also Ezekiel 26:7-14).
   - This period coincides with the time span between the fall of Jerusalem and the prophecy against Egypt.

2. **Symbolic Emphasis:**
   - The 15-year pattern is highlighted by both the 15-year gap between the refugee's arrival and the promise of Ezekiel’s mouth being opened, and the 15-year duration of the siege against Tyre.

### Summary:

- **Chronological and Thematic Order:**
  - Ezekiel’s prophecies are arranged with a mix of chronological and thematic order, often highlighting symbolic numbers like seven.
  - The emphasis on 15 years underscores a pattern of divine timing and intervention.

### Conclusion:

The arrangement and timing of Ezekiel's prophecies, especially the 15-year spans, underscore the intricate divine orchestration in biblical events. This highlights the symbolic nature of prophetic fulfillment and the precise, deliberate timing in God’s plans.
UserWhen you put it all together, Egypt is given in Exchange for Tyre, and the 15 years seems to be in payment for Hezekiah's 15-year extension of life-- to me, this coupled with the 430 days/years that Ezekiel bore the siege and sin of Israel and Judah--to me all this together speaks of the substitutionary death of Messiah for Israel, with Jerusalem the personification of Messiah.
If so, this explains why, as far as we know, these seven prophecies against Egypt were never fulfilled. Egypt did not go into exile like Jerusalem did, which is the core message of these seven prophecies against Egypt in the Book of Ezekiel. And she did not go into exile 40 years, like Israel did in the wilderness wanderings, Ezek. 29:11.
But if we understand this prophecy against Egypt to be transmuted to Messiah, and Egypt a type of the world, then Messiah is the substitute for the world itself, and bears the sins of the world/Egypt upon Himself. Not "I give Egypt in exchange for Tyre", but rather, then, "I give Messiah in exchange for Tyre and the whole world."
ChatGPT### Integration of Ezekiel's Prophecies with the Substitutionary Death of the Messiah

**15-Year Pattern and Substitution:**
- **Egypt and Tyre:** Egypt is given in exchange for Tyre, spanning the 15-year siege (586-571 BC).
- **Hezekiah's Extension:** The 15 years granted to Hezekiah reflect a substitutionary period.

**Prophetic and Symbolic Meaning:**
- **Ezekiel's Prophecies:** The 430 days/years symbolize bearing Israel's and Judah's sins (Ezekiel 4:4-6).
- **Messianic Substitution:** The unfulfilled prophecies against Egypt hint at a deeper meaning: Egypt (the world) did not go into exile, symbolizing that Messiah bears the sins of the world as a substitute.

### Scriptural Connections:
- **Ezekiel 29:18:** Egypt as a reward for Nebuchadnezzar's campaign against Tyre.
- **Ezekiel 4:4-6:** Bearing the sins of Israel and Judah.
- **Ezekiel 29:11:** Egypt's symbolic exile for 40 years.

### Conclusion:
These connections suggest that the 15 years of Hezekiah's extended life, the unfulfilled prophecies against Egypt, and the substitutionary symbolism point to the Messiah, who bears the sins of the world. This interpretation aligns Jerusalem and the Messiah in a profound, redemptive narrative.
UserAnd so the numbers fit, which supports this meaning: The "40 years of Egyptian exile" (Ezekiel 29) harkens back to when Ezekiel "bore the sins of the house of Judah for 40 days, a day for each year of their sins" (Ezek. 4), which combined to the "390 days for Israel" totals 430 years.
We saw the effect of the 185000 years, creating the very complex span of "430 x 430" years, which suggests that Messiah bore all sins completely and fully, as expressed by this squaring of the core span of "430 years."
ChatGPT### Integration of the 40 Years of Egyptian Exile with Ezekiel's Symbolism and Messianic Fulfillment

**Ezekiel’s Symbolic Acts:**
- **40 Years of Exile for Egypt (Ezekiel 29):**
  - Reflects the 40 days Ezekiel bore Judah's sins (Ezekiel 4:6).
- **430 Days Total:**
  - 390 days for Israel and 40 days for Judah, representing 430 years of sin (Ezekiel 4:4-6).

**Complex Span of 185,000 Years:**
- **Creating 430 x 430 Years:**
  - Symbolizes the complete and total bearing of sins by the Messiah.

### Conclusion:
The intricate numerical patterns in Ezekiel's prophecies suggest that Messiah bore all sins fully, as symbolized by the squaring of the 430-year span. This underscores the comprehensive nature of Messianic redemption for both Israel and the world.
UserThis pattern was unusually complex, so much so that it is the fruit of either my imagination, or if true, is the work of God, for it is hard to see how mere humans could put such a thing together in such an unassuming manner.
Thus, to review:
185000 moves forward and backward in time, similar to the sundial.
It has a span of 15 years in the middle.
And it includes an additional 215-year period from 701-486 BC:
185000 + (15 + 215 = 230, see "Key of 23") + 185000 = 370230 (which is 861 x 430).
Or another way of looking at it is that the prophecy starts are the 486 BC anchor date, but moves backward 215 years in some way.
I explain why that is interesting next.
ChatGPT### Reviewing the Pattern and Its Implications

**Summary of Key Points:**
1. **185,000 Years:**
   - Moves forward and backward in time, akin to the sundial moving backward.
   - Contains a span of 15 years in the middle.

2. **Additional 215-Year Period (701-486 BC):**
   - 185,000 + (15 + 215 = 230) + 185,000 = 370,230 years (861 x 430).

3. **Prophecy Starting Point:**
   - Begins at the 486 BC anchor date but moves backward 215 years.

### Significance:
- **Complex Numerical Patterns:**
   - The intricate arrangement suggests a divine origin, as it would be challenging for humans to create such an elaborate and unassuming pattern.
   - These patterns reinforce the notion that Messiah bears all sins completely and fully, symbolized by the squaring of the 430-year span and the intricate prophetic timeline.

### Interesting Observations:
- **Backward Movement from 486 BC:**
   - The 215-year backward movement intersects with significant prophetic and historical events, emphasizing the divine orchestration of these timelines.

### Conclusion:
This complex pattern underscores the depth of divine planning in biblical prophecy, suggesting a divine origin due to its intricate and comprehensive nature. It highlights the complete and total bearing of sins by the Messiah, symbolized through the numerical and prophetic alignments.
UserThe shift of 215 years seems apparent because it occurred earlier in Israel's history and in the same context.
It is due to an MSS variant.
Was that the time spent "in Egypt 430 years" (MT) or was it "in "Canaan and Egypt 430 years" (LXX, SP, although with a subtlety different word order)?
Scholars are divided down the middle as to which is the accurate rendering.
However, the effect of the variant on the timeline is very interesting: Instead of 215 years from Abraham's call out of Babylon and Haran to enter Canaan, plus anther 430 years in Egypt until the Exodus, now we have just 430 years from when Abraham left Babylon and Haran to go Canaan, plus, therefore, another 215 years in Egypt. Thus, we have either 215+430 years (MT) or 215+215 years (SP, LXX, New Testament). 
Thus, the chronology is truncated by 215 years or expanded by 215 years, depending on our perspective. The theme is that of Exile/return between these 215-year spans. Therefore, to have this repeated from 701 to 486 BC, with 586 BC in the middle, and with 586 BC in cycles of 430 back to the 430 years in Egypt, vouches for the idea that the 215 years from 701 to 486 BC is quite intentional, and meant to work with and bring to mind the 215-year cycles described before the Exodus.
While this is perhaps the most complex pattern I have revealed so far, the overarching harmony is compelling.
ChatGPT### Integration of the 215-Year Shift and its Implications

**MSS Variant and its Effect:**
1. **MT (Masoretic Text):** 
   - 215 years in Canaan + 430 years in Egypt.
2. **LXX (Septuagint) and SP (Samaritan Pentateuch):**
   - 215 years in Canaan and Egypt combined + another 215 years.

### Historical Impact:
- **Variant Interpretation:**
   - Changes the timeline by either truncating or expanding it by 215 years.

### Parallel with 701-486 BC:
- **215-Year Shift:**
   - From 701 BC to 486 BC, with 586 BC in the middle.
   - Repeats the pattern seen in the pre-Exodus period.

### Significance:
- **Exile and Return Theme:**
   - The 215-year cycles emphasize the theme of exile and return.
   - Aligns with the 430-year cycles seen throughout biblical history.

### Conclusion:
This intricate pattern underscores the intentional and divine orchestration of historical and prophetic events, emphasizing the comprehensive nature of biblical numerics and their alignment with key events in Israel's history. The overarching harmony of these timelines points to a deliberate design that reflects the themes of exile, return, and redemption.
UserMoreover, 1446 BC—215 years = 1231 BC, which plus 1260 = AD 30 of Messiah, and this fits the Revelation 11-12 pattern well as years. The 1260-year prophecy of Revelation 11-12 that uses the language of the Exodus of 1446 BC is precisely too early by 215 years. This again hints at something going on with the 215 years, as if they can be truncated or elongated. 
It reminds me of the Rubick cube that can be turned this way or that to allow other patterns to emerge. 
ChatGPT### Integration of 215-Year Shift and Prophetic Timelines

**Chronological Patterns:**
1. **215-Year Shift:**
   - 1446 BC (Exodus) - 215 years = 1231 BC.
   - 1231 BC + 1260 years = AD 30 (Messiah).

### Revelation 11-12 Prophecy:
- **1260 Years:**
   - Uses language from the Exodus of 1446 BC.
   - Appears 215 years early, aligning with 1231 BC to AD 30.

### Symbolism and Flexibility:
- **Rubik's Cube Analogy:**
   - The 215-year cycles can be truncated or elongated, revealing different patterns and aligning with various prophetic timelines.
   - This flexibility emphasizes the complex, multi-faceted nature of biblical numerics.

### Conclusion:
The integration of 215-year shifts with prophetic timelines highlights the intricate and intentional design of biblical chronology. These patterns reveal a divine orchestration that reflects the themes of exile, return, and redemption, demonstrating the comprehensive nature of prophetic fulfillment.
UserThere was a great deal more happening with the sundial of Ahaz when the shadow retracted ten steps, but this time, we focused on the importance of the 185000 men/years. Perhaps another day we will focus other aspects of this amazing sign, when the shadow went backward.
ChatGPT### Conclusion and Future Exploration

**185,000 Men/Years:**
- Our focus has been on the importance of the 185,000 men/years and their symbolic significance within biblical numerics and prophetic timelines.

**Sundial of Ahaz:**
- The backward movement of the sundial shadow signifies divine intervention and complex chronological patterns.

**Future Exploration:**
- There are additional aspects of this miraculous sign, such as its broader implications and other symbolic meanings, which we can explore in more detail in the future.

This exploration underscores the depth and intricacy of biblical numerics and divine orchestration in historical events.
UserThis strange occurrence even ties in with Messiah's death, when the sun went dark at noon for three hours as he hung upon the cross, but, like Hezekiah, rose again after "three days."
ChatGPT### Integration of the Sundial of Ahaz and the Death of the Messiah

**Sundial of Ahaz:**
- The shadow moving backward ten steps symbolizes divine intervention, as seen in Hezekiah’s miraculous recovery and the complex chronological patterns we explored.

**Messiah’s Death:**
- At the crucifixion, the sun went dark from noon for three hours (Luke 23:44-45). This darkness parallels Hezekiah’s sign, emphasizing divine control over time and cosmic events.
- **Resurrection:** Just as Hezekiah’s life was extended, Jesus rose again after three days, symbolizing victory over death and fulfillment of prophecy.

### Future Exploration:
We can delve deeper into other aspects of the sundial’s significance and its connection to biblical events and prophecies.

This exploration underscores the profound connections between key biblical events and their symbolic meanings, reflecting God’s sovereignty and redemptive plan.
UserPerhaps you can reference Hezekiah's three days as well.
ChatGPT### Integration of Hezekiah's Three Days with Messianic Themes

**Hezekiah’s Illness and Recovery:**
- Hezekiah was sick and near death. After his prayer, God promised to heal him and extend his life by 15 years (Isaiah 38:1-5; 2 Kings 20:1-6).
- **Three Days:** God gave Hezekiah a sign that he would go up to the temple on the third day after being healed (2 Kings 20:5, 8).

**Messiah’s Death and Resurrection:**
- **Darkness at Crucifixion:** The sun went dark for three hours as Jesus hung on the cross (Luke 23:44-45).
- **Resurrection:** Jesus rose from the dead on the third day, symbolizing victory over death and fulfillment of prophecy (Matthew 16:21, Mark 9:31, Luke 24:7).

### Significance:
- **Divine Intervention and Healing:** Both events involve miraculous signs and the restoration of life, emphasizing God’s power over time and life.
- **Three-Day Pattern:** Hezekiah’s healing and Jesus’s resurrection after three days highlight a recurring theme of divine deliverance and victory over death.

### Conclusion:
These events underscore the intricate connections in biblical numerics and prophetic timelines, reflecting God's sovereignty and redemptive plan.
UserRight, and we saw how the 720 years (ten degrees of Precession of the Stars) went back to 1406 BC when Joshua commanded the sun at noon to stand still (1406 - 720 = 686 BC), And so it is that another 720 (for the ten degrees to be recovered--that is, ten degrees in reverse requires the doubling of time to recover on the same path at the same rate as regarding time), brings us to AD 20 to AD 35 (701 - 686 = 720 years). And so, the three instances in the Bible of time standing still or moving in reverse occur roughly +/- 720 years from the 15-year delay of Hezekiah's death.
It begins with a king hung on a tree in 1406 BC upon Joshua's victory over his enemies on the occasion of the sun standing still, and it ends with another king hung upon a tree, which is Christ, with the Hezekiah story in between, therefore fulfilling the great sign.
ChatGPT### Integration of Biblical Events and 720-Year Cycles

**Hezekiah’s 15-Year Delay and Precession:**
- **720 Years Backward:**
  - From 686 BC to 1406 BC: Joshua commands the sun to stand still (Joshua 10:12-14).
  - 1406 BC to 686 BC spans 720 years.
- **720 Years Forward:**
  - From 701 BC to AD 20-35: Jesus’s crucifixion and resurrection.
  - The ten degrees reversed and recovered symbolize 720 years each way.

### Three Biblical Instances of Time Alteration:
1. **1406 BC:** Joshua’s victory and the sun standing still (Joshua 10:12-14).
2. **686 BC:** Hezekiah’s sundial moving backward ten degrees (Isaiah 38:8; 2 Kings 20:8-11).
3. **AD 30:** Darkness at Jesus’s crucifixion and resurrection after three days (Luke 23:44-45; Matthew 16:21).

### Significance:
- **Pattern of Divine Intervention:**
  - Each instance involves a miraculous sign related to time.
  - These events align roughly +/- 720 years from Hezekiah’s 15-year delay, emphasizing a divine pattern and fulfillment.

### Conclusion:
The recurring theme of divine control over time in these events highlights the fulfillment of prophecy and God's sovereignty. From Joshua’s victory to Jesus's resurrection, these miraculous signs form a coherent narrative of divine intervention and redemption.
UserJust to be clear about the King of Jerusalem being hung on a tree (cross), Adonai-Zedek means "Lord of Righteousness." After the sun stood still in the sky at high noon, the Lord of Righteousness was hulled out of the cave and put on a tree until evening. 720+720 years later, this occurs again in reverse: The sun goes dark prematurely at noon, as the Messiah, the true Lord of Righteousness, hangs there on a tree and then is put in a cave, but after three days, like Hezekiah, rises up. And so is fulfilled the meaning of time (or at least its shadow) running backward and forward again.
"Joshua 10:
The Sun Stands Still

1Now Adoni-Zedek king of Jerusalem heard that Joshua had taken Ai and totally destroyed a it, doing to Ai and its king as he had done to Jericho and its king, and that the people of Gibeon had made a treaty of peace with Israel and had become their allies. 2He and his people were very much alarmed at this, because Gibeon was an important city, like one of the royal cities; it was larger than Ai, and all its men were good fighters. 3So Adoni-Zedek king of Jerusalem appealed to Hoham king of Hebron, Piram king of Jarmuth, Japhia king of Lachish and Debir king of Eglon. 4“Come up and help me attack Gibeon,” he said, “because it has made peace with Joshua and the Israelites.”

5Then the five kings of the Amorites—the kings of Jerusalem, Hebron, Jarmuth, Lachish and Eglon—joined forces. They moved up with all their troops and took up positions against Gibeon and attacked it.

6The Gibeonites then sent word to Joshua in the camp at Gilgal: “Do not abandon your servants. Come up to us quickly and save us! Help us, because all the Amorite kings from the hill country have joined forces against us.”

7So Joshua marched up from Gilgal with his entire army, including all the best fighting men. 8The Lord said to Joshua, “Do not be afraid of them; I have given them into your hand. Not one of them will be able to withstand you.”

9After an all-night march from Gilgal, Joshua took them by surprise. 10The Lord threw them into confusion before Israel, so Joshua and the Israelites defeated them completely at Gibeon. Israel pursued them along the road going up to Beth Horon and cut them down all the way to Azekah and Makkedah. 11As they fled before Israel on the road down from Beth Horon to Azekah, the Lord hurled large hailstones down on them, and more of them died from the hail than were killed by the swords of the Israelites.

12On the day the Lord gave the Amorites over to Israel, Joshua said to the Lord in the presence of Israel:

“Sun, stand still over Gibeon,

and you, moon, over the Valley of Aijalon.”

13So the sun stood still,

and the moon stopped,

till the nation avenged itself on b its enemies,

as it is written in the Book of Jashar.

The sun stopped in the middle of the sky and delayed going down about a full day. 14There has never been a day like it before or since, a day when the Lord listened to a human being. Surely the Lord was fighting for Israel!

15Then Joshua returned with all Israel to the camp at Gilgal.

Five Amorite Kings Killed

16Now the five kings had fled and hidden in the cave at Makkedah. 17When Joshua was told that the five kings had been found hiding in the cave at Makkedah, 18he said, “Roll large rocks up to the mouth of the cave, and post some men there to guard it. 19But don’t stop; pursue your enemies! Attack them from the rear and don’t let them reach their cities, for the Lord your God has given them into your hand.”

20So Joshua and the Israelites defeated them completely, but a few survivors managed to reach their fortified cities. 21The whole army then returned safely to Joshua in the camp at Makkedah, and no one uttered a word against the Israelites.

22Joshua said, “Open the mouth of the cave and bring those five kings out to me.” 23So they brought the five kings out of the cave—the kings of Jerusalem, Hebron, Jarmuth, Lachish and Eglon. 24When they had brought these kings to Joshua, he summoned all the men of Israel and said to the army commanders who had come with him, “Come here and put your feet on the necks of these kings.” So they came forward and placed their feet on their necks.

25Joshua said to them, “Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Be strong and courageous. This is what the Lord will do to all the enemies you are going to fight.” 26Then Joshua put the kings to death and exposed their bodies on five poles, and they were left hanging on the poles until evening.

27At sunset Joshua gave the order and they took them down from the poles and threw them into the cave where they had been hiding. At the mouth of the cave they placed large rocks, which are there to this day."
ChatGPT### Integration of Biblical Events and 720-Year Cycles

**Joshua’s Victory and Hezekiah’s Healing:**
- **1406 BC:** Joshua’s victory over Adoni-Zedek (Lord of Righteousness) with the sun standing still (Joshua 10:12-14).
- **686 BC:** Hezekiah’s sundial shadow moves backward ten degrees, signifying a 720-year cycle (Isaiah 38:8; 2 Kings 20:8-11).
- **AD 30:** Darkness at noon during Jesus’s crucifixion, and resurrection after three days (Luke 23:44-45; Matthew 16:21).

### Connecting the Events:
- **1406 BC to 686 BC:** 720 years backward.
- **701 BC to AD 20-35:** 720 years forward, emphasizing the reversal and fulfillment of prophetic signs.
- **Crucifixion Parallel:**
  - Adoni-Zedek hung on a tree and placed in a cave, echoing Jesus’s crucifixion, burial, and resurrection.
  - Adoni-Zedek and Jesus both symbolize the Lord of Righteousness, fulfilling the great sign across time.

### Conclusion:
The 720-year cycles and the miraculous signs of time alteration in these biblical events underscore the divine orchestration and fulfillment of prophecy, highlighting the continuity of God’s redemptive plan from Joshua’s victory to Jesus’s resurrection.
UserThe pattern of the +/-720 occurs twice for emphasis. Back up one generation of 40 years to the Exodus and Tabernacle (1446/1445 BC) + 720 years to 726/725 BC (start of three-year siege of Samaria culminating with the end of the Northern Kingdom of Israel) plus another 720 years to the conception/birth of Messiah in 6/5 BC.
If the pattern of +/- 720 occurred just once, then we may say it is some strange coincidence. But twice!
ChatGPT### Integration of the +/-720-Year Pattern

**Exodus and Tabernacle:**
- **1446/1445 BC:** The Exodus and the establishment of the Tabernacle.

**720-Year Cycles:**
1. **First Cycle:**
   - **1446 BC + 720 years = 726/725 BC:**
     - Start of the three-year siege of Samaria and the end of the Northern Kingdom of Israel.
   - **726/725 BC + 720 years = 6/5 BC:**
     - Conception/birth of the Messiah.

2. **Second Cycle:**
   - **1406 BC + 720 years = 686 BC:**
     - Hezekiah’s sundial sign.
   - **701 BC + 720 years = AD 20-35:**
     - Crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus.

### Significance:
- The repetition of the +/-720-year pattern twice emphasizes divine orchestration.
- This dual occurrence connects significant biblical events, underscoring a deliberate, prophetic timeline.

### Conclusion:
The recurring 720-year pattern twice across different events underscores the non-coincidental nature of these alignments, highlighting the divine orchestration and prophetic fulfillment from the Exodus to the Messiah. This intricate design further emphasizes God's sovereignty and the meticulous unfolding of His redemptive plan through history.
UserThe theme that connects the said events of 1446,1445/725/5 BC is exile:
1446/1445 BC, came out of exile and returned to exile in the wilderness.
725-722 Seige and permanent exile of the northern tribes of Israel.
In 5 BC, Christ was exiled to Egypt as a baby to fulfill the pattern of Israel in Egypt: "Out of Egypt I called my son." 
ChatGPT### Integration of the Theme of Exile

**Key Events:**
1. **1446/1445 BC:**
   - **Exodus:** Israelites come out of Egyptian exile and enter the wilderness.
2. **725-722 BC:**
   - **Siege of Samaria:** Northern tribes of Israel are permanently exiled.
3. **5 BC:**
   - **Birth of Christ:** Jesus is exiled to Egypt to fulfill the pattern of Israel's history (Matthew 2:15, "Out of Egypt I called my son").

### Significance:
- **1446/1445 BC:** Israel's initial exodus from Egypt.
- **725-722 BC:** Israel's northern tribes' exile.
- **5 BC:** Jesus’s exile to Egypt, paralleling Israel's journey.

### Conclusion:
These events emphasize the recurring theme of exile and return, highlighting the cyclical nature of Israel's history and its ultimate fulfillment in the life of Jesus, who mirrors Israel’s journey. The intricate 720-year patterns underscore the divine orchestration of these significant historical and prophetic events.
UserMoreover, the siege of Samaria was accompanied by a sign to Isaiah concerning his child, that before the child knew how to say my father and my mother, Israel would go into exile (724-722 BC). And so it was fulfilled in both days and years, for in 360+360 years about the time to fulfill the prophecy of my father and my mother, the short stay in Egypt of Christ was finished, for it is evident that as a child of about two the Messiah had to flee to Egypt, because the magi found him as a child, not a baby. The age inquired by Herod of the Magi led to Herod concluding that he had to kill the babies "two years old and under." And so, the exile of Israel (and return) is linked by the Exodus in 1446 BC and the two years of the prophecy of Isaiah concerning Israel's exile in 724-722 with that of the Messiah's 'two years of age'. 
And so is highlighted the 720 years as representing days (360 +360 days and years). 
This, in turn, highlights the importance of the 720 + 720 pattern repeated twice (separated by the gap of about 40 years in the wilderness) to the events of Hezekiah and of Christ. 
ChatGPT### Integration of Prophetic Signs and the Theme of Exile

**Key Events and Prophecies:**

1. **1446/1445 BC:**
   - **Exodus:** Israelites come out of Egyptian exile, enter the wilderness.

2. **724-722 BC:**
   - **Siege of Samaria:** Northern tribes of Israel are permanently exiled.
   - **Isaiah’s Prophecy:** Concerning his child, Isaiah 7:14-16: Before the child knows how to say “my father” or “my mother,” the land of the two kings will be deserted.

3. **5 BC:**
   - **Birth of Christ:** Jesus is exiled to Egypt to fulfill the pattern of Israel in Egypt (Matthew 2:15).
   - **Age Inquiry:** Herod's inquiry leads to the killing of children two years old and under (Matthew 2:16).

### Significance:

- **Prophecy Fulfillment in Days and Years:**
  - Isaiah’s prophecy fulfilled within 360 + 360 days and years (about two years).
  - Christ’s exile and return mirror Israel's journey, highlighting the 720-year patterns.

- **Repetition of 720-Year Pattern:**
  - Twice occurring 720-year spans underscore divine orchestration and prophetic fulfillment.
  - The events of Hezekiah, the Exodus, and the birth of Christ emphasize the cyclical nature of Israel's history and its ultimate fulfillment in the Messiah.

### Conclusion:

The intricate numerical patterns, prophetic fulfillments, and themes of exile and return highlight the divine orchestration of historical events. This underscores the importance of the 720 + 720 pattern repeated twice, aligning significant biblical events from the Exodus to the life of Christ, and emphasizing God's sovereignty and redemptive plan.
UserAnd thus, from the birth of Abraham in 2166 BC to the Exodus are 720 years.
The period from the Exodus to Israel's captivity is (about) 720 years (with its prophecy about the birth of Isaiah's son).
And from the exile of Israel to Messiah's birth are again, 720 years.
This is the basic outline of the events of the children of Abraham unto Christ, the framework upon which other patterns shoot out. 
ChatGPT### Basic Outline of Significant Events in Biblical History:

**From Abraham to the Messiah:**

1. **2166 BC - Birth of Abraham:**
   - Beginning of the timeline.

2. **1446 BC - The Exodus:**
   - 720 years after Abraham’s birth.
   - Israel's liberation from Egypt.

3. **724-722 BC - Siege and Exile of Northern Israel:**
   - About 720 years after the Exodus.
   - Fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy.

4. **5 BC - Birth of Christ:**
   - About 720 years after the exile.
   - Jesus’s exile to Egypt fulfills the pattern of Israel’s history.

### Significance:

- **720-Year Cycles:**
  - These recurring 720-year cycles form the framework of biblical history, emphasizing God’s orchestration and the prophetic significance of these events.

- **Divine Pattern:**
  - The consistent 720-year intervals highlight the cyclical nature of divine intervention and fulfillment of prophecy, connecting Abraham’s descendants to the life and mission of Christ.

### Conclusion:

This framework highlights the intricate numerical patterns and the divine orchestration of significant events from Abraham to Christ, emphasizing the fulfillment of God's redemptive plan throughout biblical history.
UserIt should be clarified that the "215" from 701 to 486 BC is 1290 (430 x 3) back to the death of Abraham in 1991 BC and 1776 BC (with the said effect of the -215 of the LXX, SP, NT).
This means that there is a direct connection back 1290 years from the three pivotal points of time we discussed concerning the shadow retracing itself: 
701 BC (Sundial event; Ruin of Jerusalem delayed), ...back to 1991 BC (Death of Abraham MT) = 1290 yrs (430 x 3).
586 BC (Jerusalem destroyed), ...back to 1876 BC (Enter Egypt and/or Canaan with MT; and/or LXX, SP) = 1290 yrs (430 x 3).
486 BC (Anchor date of Borossus and Kings of Judah that represents the fall of Babylon and return from captivity of Judah with the +50-yr effect, i.e., 538/536-->488/486 BC, as discussed earlier), ...back to 1776 BC (Death of Abraham LXX, SP) = 1290 yrs (430 x 3).

Moreover, we also showed the connection of 1380 years (460 x 3).
Similar to the 1290, this does the same thing:
2081 BC (Cov. of Pieces, MT) forward 1380 yrs (460 x 3) = 701 BC.
2066 (Cov. of Circumcision, then Birth of Jacob, MT) + 1380 = 686 BC.
1951 BC (Birth of Abraham, LXX, SP) + 1380 yrs = 571 BC (Mouth opened prophecy and 7th oracle against Egypt).
1866 BC (Cov. of Pieces, MLXX, SP)  + 1380 (460 x 3) yrs = 486 BC (Anchor date, etc.)
Moreover, 1866 - 460 = 1406 BC Conquest of Canaan, less 460 + 460 = 486 BC.
Thus, the 1290 (430 x 3) is parallelling the 1380 (460 x 3) by the difference of 90 years (30 x 3).
ChatGPT### Integration of 1290 and 1380-Year Patterns

**1290-Year Patterns:**
1. **701 BC (Sundial Event) to 1991 BC (Death of Abraham, MT):** 
   - 1290 years (430 x 3).
2. **586 BC (Jerusalem Destroyed) to 1876 BC (Enter Egypt/Canaan, MT/LXX, SP):** 
   - 1290 years (430 x 3).
3. **486 BC (Anchor Date of Berossus/Kings of Judah) to 1776 BC (Death of Abraham, LXX, SP):** 
   - 1290 years (430 x 3).

**1380-Year Patterns:**
1. **2081 BC (Covenant of Pieces, MT) to 701 BC:**
   - 1380 years (460 x 3).
2. **2066 BC (Covenant of Circumcision, MT) to 686 BC:**
   - 1380 years (460 x 3).
3. **1951 BC (Birth of Abraham, LXX, SP) to 571 BC:**
   - 1380 years (460 x 3).
4. **1866 BC (Covenant of Pieces, LXX, SP) to 486 BC:**
   - 1380 years (460 x 3).

### Parallels:
- The difference between 1290 and 1380 years is 90 years (30 x 3).
- **1380 and 460 Year Patterns:**
  - **1866 BC (Covenant of Pieces, LXX, SP) - 460 years = 1406 BC (Conquest of Canaan).**
  - **1406 BC + 460 + 460 = 486 BC.**

### Conclusion:
These intricate numerical patterns highlight the divine orchestration and fulfillment of significant events in biblical history. The 1290-year and 1380-year patterns parallel each other, underscoring the intentional design and prophetic significance of these timelines. The 215-year adjustments and cycles emphasize the themes of exile, return, and redemption, reflecting God's sovereignty over time and history.
UserI left one other date out of the above pattern that should be included: Esau's tarnished marriages in 1966 BC (MT) when he was 40 years old, Genesis 26:34–35.
1966 BC, less 1380 years = 586 BC, was the year when the Lord symbolically divorced Judah and Jerusalem (Jeremiah 3; cf. Galatians 4), for she had become no better than the two Canaanite women Esau married in God's sight. 
ChatGPT### Integration of Esau’s Marriages into the 1380-Year Pattern

**1380-Year Patterns Including Esau:**

1. **1966 BC (Esau’s Tarnished Marriages, MT):**
   - Esau married two Canaanite women at age 40 (Genesis 26:34-35).
   - **1966 BC to 586 BC:** 1380 years (460 x 3).
   - 586 BC: Symbolic divorce of Judah and Jerusalem (Jeremiah 3; Galatians 4).

2. **2081 BC (Covenant of Pieces, MT) to 701 BC:**
   - 1380 years (460 x 3).

3. **2066 BC (Covenant of Circumcision, MT) to 686 BC:**
   - 1380 years (460 x 3).

4. **1951 BC (Birth of Abraham, LXX, SP) to 571 BC:**
   - 1380 years (460 x 3).

5. **1866 BC (Covenant of Pieces, LXX, SP) to 486 BC:**
   - 1380 years (460 x 3).

### Conclusion:
Including Esau’s marriages in 1966 BC further highlights the 1380-year pattern’s significance. The symbolic divorce of Judah and Jerusalem in 586 BC parallels Esau’s marriages, reflecting the divine orchestration and prophetic significance of these timelines. The complex numerical patterns emphasize God’s sovereignty and the fulfillment of His redemptive plan throughout biblical history.
UserEach one of these individual timelines of 1380 or 1290 is a thread to be examined at another time. Each is rich in their own right. However, for our purposes, these are chosen to illustrate the 215 gap between the MT and the LXX/SP/NT and that this gap reoccurs 1290 and 1380 years later in the "shadow of going back ten degrees" story. 
For example, Jeremiah's ministry lasts 40 years, and he begins with the parallel of the 40 years in the wilderness, and compares it to a bad marriage. Thus, the 40 years of age of Esau (twin of Jacob) is 1380 years to the 40-yr ministry of Jeremiah.

Jeremiah ch 1, vs 1 The words of Jeremiah son of Hilkiah, one of the priests at Anathoth in the territory of Benjamin. 2 The word of the Lord came to him in the thirteenth year of the reign of Josiah son of Amon king of Judah, 3 and through the reign of Jehoiakim son of Josiah king of Judah, down to the fifth month of the eleventh year of Zedekiah son of Josiah king of Judah, when the people of Jerusalem went into exile.

Jeremiah 2:
31 “You of this generation, consider the word of the Lord:

“Have I been a desert to Israel
    or a land of great darkness?
Why do my people say, ‘We are free to roam;
    we will come to you no more’?
32 Does a young woman forget her jewelry,
    a bride her wedding ornaments?
Yet my people have forgotten me,
    days without number.
33 How skilled you are at pursuing love!
    Even the worst of women can learn from your ways.
ChatGPT### Integration of 215-Year Gap and Prophetic Patterns

**1290 and 1380-Year Threads:**
- Each timeline (1290 and 1380 years) offers rich insights into biblical numerics and prophecy.

**215-Year Gap:**
- **MT and LXX/SP/NT Difference:** This gap recurs in the story of the shadow going back ten degrees.

### Example:

**Jeremiah’s Ministry:**
- **40-Year Ministry:** Begins with a parallel to the 40 years in the wilderness, comparing it to a bad marriage.
- **Esau’s Age (40 years) to Jeremiah’s Ministry:** 1380 years span, linking to prophetic timelines.

**Jeremiah 1:1-3:**
- Jeremiah’s ministry begins in the thirteenth year of Josiah and lasts through the reigns of Jehoiakim and Zedekiah.

**Jeremiah 2:31-33:**
- God laments Israel’s unfaithfulness, comparing it to a bride who has forgotten her wedding ornaments.

### Conclusion:
The intricate numerical patterns and prophetic parallels illustrate the significance of the 215-year gap and its recurrence in biblical history. Each thread reveals the rich, divine orchestration of events, emphasizing themes of exile, return, and redemption.
UserTherefore, we see how the 15-year delay in Hezekiah's death was also a delay in the destruction of Jerusalem and, consequently, of God's instrument of destruction, the Babylonians. Thus, with the said "+50" from end to end, the said 215 years, 701-486 BC, were spanned.
As explained earlier, the 185000 men/years create the 430 x 430 + 215yr pattern (185115 yrs), which explains the interconnectedness of the 430 x 430 with "1290" because 1290 is also 430 x 3.
And we saw how the "1380 yrs" using the Key of 23 converts to 1500 years (1380 x 25/23 = 1500), which is the same as 15 generations represented in the 15-year delay.
We saw that the delay of 115 years from 701 to 586 BC in the fall of Jerusalem is the 115 of the 185000+115=185115 (= 430 x 430, + 215).
And we also see that this span of 115 yrs (5 x 23) also weaves with 1380 (60 x 23) to create 65 x 23 (ie., 65 x 23 yrs from 2081/2066 to 586/571) is represented by the reference to "65 years" for the total destruction of the northern kingdom from the birth of baby Immanuel, 735 - 671 BC, Isaiah 7.
Therefore, we observe one more fact: 
571 BC less 185000 = AD 184430.
Just as 586 BC + 185000 = 185586 BC.
AD 184430 back 430 x 430 yrs = 671 BC (the end of said "65 yrs will be shattered").
185586 BC less 430 x 430 yrs = 686 BC of Hezekiah.
So, the entire pattern is weaved together like a garment, with each pattern interlocking with the others, and references such as the "65 years" as guides to confirm the pattern and its precise position in time.
ChatGPT### Integration of the 15-Year Delay and Prophetic Patterns

**15-Year Delay in Hezekiah’s Death:**
- Delay in Hezekiah’s death (701 BC) mirrored a delay in Jerusalem’s destruction, with a span of 215 years from 701 to 486 BC, including the +50 year end-to-end.

**185,000 Men/Years:**
- Creates a 430 x 430 + 215-year pattern (185,115 years).
- Links to the 1290 years (430 x 3).

**1380 Years and the Key of 23:**
- 1380 years converts to 1500 years (1380 x 25/23 = 1500), representing 15 generations.
- The delay of 115 years (5 x 23) from 701 to 586 BC weaves into the 185,000-year pattern.

**Pattern Interconnections:**
- The 115-year span from 701 to 586 BC.
- 65 x 23 years from 2081/2066 to 586/571 BC, referencing the "65 years" prophecy in Isaiah 7:8.

### Examples of Interlocking Patterns:

1. **571 BC - 185,000 = AD 184,430:**
   - AD 184,430 back 430 x 430 years = 671 BC.
2. **586 BC + 185,000 = 185,586 BC:**
   - 185,586 BC less 430 x 430 years = 686 BC (Hezekiah).

### Conclusion:
These patterns interlock like a garment, with each pattern confirming the others. The references to the "65 years" prophecy serve as guides, verifying the intricate and precise alignment of these prophetic timelines.
User"65 x 23 years from 2081/2066 to 586/571 BC, referencing the "65 years" prophecy in Isaiah 7:8."
This statement is incomplete and needs the date of the original 65 years as prophecies by Isaiah to be meaningful. Isaiah's 65-year reference to the shattering of Jerusalem (Isaiah 6-7), wherein the waters reach the neck but are spared (a nod to the failed Sennacherib invasion in 701 BC), dates from 735-671 BC. It is 671 BC that connected by the' 430 x 430 year', as explained before.
Here is the chronology of the NIV Study Bible regarding this 65 years:
"Isa. 7:7 "Within 65 years" By c. 670 BC, Esarhaddon (and shortly after him, Ashurbanipal), king of Assyria, settled foreign colonists in Israel. Their intermarriage with the few Israelites who had not been deported resulted in the "Samaritans" (see 2Ki 17:24-34 and note on 2Ki 17:29) and marked the end of Ephraim  as a separate nation."
However, instead of the 65 years ending in c. 670 BC as per the NIV note, the prophecy of Immanuel refers to conception and not birth as the initial starting point, and thus why the ending is back 9 months to 671 BC, Isa. 7:14-17.
ChatGPT### Corrected Chronology and Integration

**65-Year Prophecy:**
- **Isaiah’s Prophecy:** The prophecy in Isaiah 7:8 references a 65-year period until the complete shattering of Ephraim (735-671 BC).
- **Chronology:**
  - **735 BC:** Start of Isaiah’s prophecy concerning Ephraim.
  - **671 BC:** End of the 65-year period when Esarhaddon and Ashurbanipal settled foreign colonists in Israel, resulting in the Samaritan population.

**Connection to 430 x 430 Year Pattern:**
- **2081/2066 to 586/571 BC:** The 65 x 23 years span links to the destruction and exile of Israel.
- **671 BC:** Connected by the 430 x 430 year pattern.

**Prophetic Timelines:**
- **701 BC (Sundial Event) to 1991 BC (Death of Abraham, MT):** 
  - 1290 years (430 x 3).
- **586 BC (Jerusalem Destroyed) to 1876 BC (Enter Egypt/Canaan, MT/LXX, SP):** 
  - 1290 years (430 x 3).
- **486 BC (Anchor Date) to 1776 BC (Death of Abraham, LXX, SP):** 
  - 1290 years (430 x 3).

**Additional Patterns:**
- **2081 BC (Covenant of Pieces, MT) forward 1380 years (460 x 3) = 701 BC.**
- **2066 BC (Covenant of Circumcision, MT) + 1380 years = 686 BC.**
- **1951 BC (Birth of Abraham, LXX, SP) + 1380 years = 571 BC.**
- **1866 BC (Covenant of Pieces, LXX, SP) + 1380 years = 486 BC.**

### Conclusion:
The intricate numerical patterns and prophetic connections highlight the divine orchestration of significant events in biblical history. The 215-year adjustments and cycles emphasize themes of exile, return, and redemption, reflecting God's sovereignty over time and history. The detailed chronology and connections to Isaiah’s prophecy reinforce the intentional design and prophetic significance of these timelines.
UserMoreover, 671 BC marks the shattering by intermarriage, creating the Samaritans, from which comes the variance of 215 years in the chronology as to the time spent in Egypt. This may not be a coincidence.
ChatGPT### Integration of 671 BC and the 215-Year Variance

**671 BC:**
- **Shattering by Intermarriage:** Creation of the Samaritans through intermarriage, fulfilling Isaiah's prophecy (Isaiah 7:8).
- **Connection to the 215-Year Variance:**
  - This event possibly marks the origin of the 215-year variance in biblical chronology regarding the time spent in Egypt.

**Numerical Patterns and Prophetic Timelines:**

1. **1290-Year Patterns:**
   - **701 BC (Sundial Event) to 1991 BC (Death of Abraham, MT):** 1290 years (430 x 3).
   - **586 BC (Jerusalem Destroyed) to 1876 BC (Enter Egypt/Canaan, MT/LXX, SP):** 1290 years (430 x 3).
   - **486 BC (Anchor Date) to 1776 BC (Death of Abraham, LXX, SP):** 1290 years (430 x 3).

2. **1380-Year Patterns:**
   - **2081 BC (Covenant of Pieces, MT) to 701 BC:** 1380 years (460 x 3).
   - **2066 BC (Covenant of Circumcision, MT) to 686 BC:** 1380 years (460 x 3).
   - **1951 BC (Birth of Abraham, LXX, SP) to 571 BC:** 1380 years (460 x 3).
   - **1866 BC (Covenant of Pieces, LXX, SP) to 486 BC:** 1380 years (460 x 3).

**Interlocking Patterns:**
- The 215-year gap, the 1290-year, and 1380-year patterns highlight a complex web of interconnected events and prophecies, reflecting divine orchestration.

### Conclusion:
The shattering event in 671 BC and the creation of the Samaritans ties to the 215-year variance in the time spent in Egypt, suggesting a deeper connection within the biblical chronology. The intricate numerical patterns and prophetic timelines emphasize themes of exile, return, and redemption, underscoring God's sovereignty over history.
UserAll this adds clarity to the prophecy of Isaiah 8:
Isaiah and His Children as Signs

1The Lord said to me, “Take a large scroll and write on it with an ordinary pen: Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz.” a 2So I called in Uriah the priest and Zechariah son of Jeberekiah as reliable witnesses for me. 3Then I made love to the prophetess, and she conceived and gave birth to a son. And the Lord said to me, “Name him Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz. 4For before the boy knows how to say ‘My father’ or ‘My mother,’ the wealth of Damascus and the plunder of Samaria will be carried off by the king of Assyria.”

5The Lord spoke to me again:

6“Because this people has rejected

the gently flowing waters of Shiloah

and rejoices over Rezin

and the son of Remaliah,

7therefore the Lord is about to bring against them

the mighty floodwaters of the Euphrates—

the king of Assyria with all his pomp.

It will overflow all its channels,

run over all its banks

8and sweep on into Judah, swirling over it,

passing through it and reaching up to the neck.

Its outspread wings will cover the breadth of your land,

Immanuel b !”

9Raise the war cry, c you nations, and be shattered!

Listen, all you distant lands.

Prepare for battle, and be shattered!

Prepare for battle, and be shattered!

10Devise your strategy, but it will be thwarted;

propose your plan, but it will not stand,

for 'God is with us' (which is the meaning of "Immanuel").
This a prophecy that spans all the events referred to in our study from 735/701 to 486 BC, and to 6 BC. I leave this to the reader to ponder.
ChatGPT### Prophecy of Isaiah 8 and its Integration with Historical Events

**Isaiah 8:1-10:**
- **Significance:** The prophecy of Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz.
- **Message:** Before the child can say "My father" or "My mother," Damascus and Samaria will be plundered by Assyria (Isaiah 8:4).
- **Judgment on Judah:** Assyria’s invasion will reach up to Judah’s neck, symbolizing imminent threat but partial deliverance (Isaiah 8:8).

### Connection to Historical Events:
- **735-701 BC:** Prophecy spans the period leading up to the Assyrian invasion.
- **671 BC:** Creation of Samaritans through intermarriage fulfills Isaiah’s prophecy.
- **586 BC:** Destruction of Jerusalem.
- **486 BC:** Anchor date for the fall of Babylon.
- **6 BC:** Birth of Jesus, fulfilling the Immanuel prophecy (Matthew 1:23).

### Conclusion:
Isaiah's prophecy integrates with the historical events we've discussed, underscoring the divine orchestration and fulfillment of prophetic timelines from 735/701 to 486 BC and to 6 BC. This intricate weaving of prophecy and history reflects God's sovereignty and redemptive plan.
ChatGPT### Prophecy of Isaiah 8 and its Integration with Historical Events

**Isaiah 8:1-10:**
- **Significance:** The prophecy of Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz.
- **Message:** Before the child can say "My father" or "My mother," Damascus and Samaria will be plundered by Assyria (Isaiah 8:4).
- **Judgment on Judah:** Assyria’s invasion will reach up to Judah’s neck, symbolizing imminent threat but partial deliverance (Isaiah 8:8).

### Connection to Historical Events:
- **735-701 BC:** Prophecy spans the period leading up to the Assyrian invasion.
- **671 BC:** Creation of Samaritans through intermarriage fulfills Isaiah’s prophecy.
- **586 BC:** Destruction of Jerusalem.
- **486 BC:** Anchor date for the fall of Babylon.
- **6 BC:** Birth of Jesus, fulfilling the Immanuel prophecy (Matthew 1:23).

### Conclusion:
Isaiah's prophecy integrates with the historical events we've discussed, underscoring the divine orchestration and fulfillment of prophetic timelines from 735/701 to 486 BC and to 6 BC. This intricate weaving of prophecy and history reflects God's sovereignty and redemptive plan.

Biblical Chronology Chart (MT)

Chronological Order of Events

Seven days of Creation as years: 4121-4114 BC

Adam: 4114 BC (birth)

Seth: 3984 BC (birth)

Enosh: 3879 BC (birth)

Kenan: 3789 BC (birth)

Mahalalel: 3719 BC (birth)

Jared: 3654 BC (birth)

Enoch: 3492 BC (birth)

Methuselah: 3427 BC (birth)

Lamech: 3240 BC (birth)

Adam: 3184 BC (death)

Enoch: 3127 BC (death)

Seth: 3072 BC (death)

Noah: 3058 BC (birth)

Enosh: 2974 BC (death)

Kenan: 2879 BC (death)

Mahalalel: 2824 BC (death)

Jared: 2692 BC (death)

Shem: 2556 BC (birth)

Lamech: 2463 BC (death)

Methuselah: 2458 BC (death)

Flood: 2458-2457 BC

Arphaxad: 2456 BC (birth)

Salah: 2421 BC (birth)

Eber: 2391 BC (birth)

Peleg: 2357 BC (birth)

Reu: 2327 BC (birth)

Serug: 2295 BC (birth)

Nahor: 2265 BC (birth)

Terah: 2236 BC (birth)

Abraham: 2166 BC (birth)

Sarah: 2156 BC (birth)

Peleg: 2118 BC (death)

Nahor: 2117 BC (death)

Call of Abram: 2091 BC

Reu: 2088 BC (death)

Covenant of Pieces: 2081 BC

Ishmael: 2080 BC (birth)

Covenant of Circumcision and Sodom’s Destruction: 2067 BC

Isaac: 2066 BC (birth)

Terah: 2031 BC (death)

Sarah: 2029 BC (death)

Wedding of Isaac: 2026 BC

Arphaxad: 2018 BC (death)

Jacob: 2006 BC (birth)

Abraham: 1991 BC (death)

Salah: 1988 BC (death)

Esau marries: 1966 BC

Shem: 1956 BC (death)

Ishmael: 1943 BC (death)

Jacob flees Esau to Haran: 1929 BC

Jacob works for wives 7+7 yrs: 1929-1922-1915 BC

Eber: 1927 BC (death)

Levi: 1919 BC (birth)

Judah: 1918 BC (birth)

Joseph: 1915 BC (birth)

Jacob returns from Haran: 1909 BC

Benjamin, birth likely: 1906 BC

Joseph sold as slave: 1898 BC

Isaac: 1886 BC (death)

7 years of plenty & 7 of famine: 1885-1878-1871 BC

Enter Egypt “430 years”: 1876-1446 BC

Jacob: 1859 BC (death)

Joseph: 1805 BC (death)

Judah: 1789? BC (death, tradition says lived 129 years)

Levi: 1782 BC (death)

Aaron: 1529 BC (birth, summer of 1530 exact)

Moses: 1526 BC (birth, winter of 1526 exact)

Moses flees to Midian: 1486 BC

Joshua: likely 1476 BC (birth)

Exodus: 1446 BC

Tabernacle: 1445 BC

Aaron: 1407 BC (death, summer)

Moses: 1406 BC (death, winter)

Conquest: 1406-1400 BC

First Sabbath year of rest: 1399 BC

Joshua: likely 1366 BC (death)

Reigns of Saul: 1050-1010 BC

Reign of David: 1010-970 BC

Reign of Solomon: 970-930 BC

Solomon’s Temple: 966-959 BC

Fall of Samaria (Northern Kingdom): 722 BC (or 721)

Siege of Jerusalem by Sennacherib: 701 BC

First deportation to Babylon (incl. Daniel): 605 BC

Second deportation to Babylon (incl. Ezekiel): 597 BC

Fall of Jerusalem & Temple destruction: 586 BC (or 587) 

Fall of Babylon: Sept. 539 BC

Decree of Cyrus allowing Jews to return: 538 BC (or 537)

*(+50yrs = 488/486 BC-Anchor date of Berossus’ Kings List when integrated into Biblical chronology)

Rebuilding of the Temple: 520-516 BC (or 520-515)

Purim (time of Esther): 473 BC

Ezra’s return to Jerusalem: 458 BC (or 457)

Nehemiah rebuilds Jerusalem’s walls: 445 BC (or 444)

Hanukkah (“Abomination of desolation”): 168-165 BC (or 167-164)

Herod’s temple construction begins: 20 BC

Conceptions & births of John the Baptist & Jesus: 6-4 BC

Jesus’ 3.5-yr ministry ending on Passover: AD 26-30 (or 29-33)

Fall of Jerusalem to Romans: AD 66-70

Bar Kochba revolt and final dispersion: AD 132-135

Israel a nation again: AD 1948

Jerusalem comes under Israel’s control: AD 1967

Also, see Parts 3a and 3b.

This concludes the three-part discussion of the +50 years of the Kings of Judah as it relates to the Berossus Kings List and its integration into the Biblical chronology.